Please pray for my mom Gertrud in the hospital

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Hi everyone,
My mom Gertrud was put into the hospital today with irregular heart rythm. We aren’t sure if they need to add a pacemaker or what.
I’d like to ask for your prayers for her. She is 73yrs old and at that age these things can be dangerous. Please pray for the doctors to decide on the best treatment.
Thank you kindly,
your sister in Christ,
Maria Rose:(
Thank you so much for your prayers.
I spoke to my dad again today . He told me that the doctors did further tests including 24hr EcG and Ultrasound of the heart. Mom has a lot of water in her lung and is on medication to purge it. Tomorrow or the day after the doctors will perform exploratory surgery. They will send a tiny camera from her groin through the artery into her heart to examine exactly whats going on.
Then we’ll find out if a pacemaker, bypass or other is in order.
Please keep up the prayers.
again thanks so much!
Maria Rose
I have asked my Guardian Angel to ask HER Guardian Angel to stay very close to her…and help her be strong and true as God’s Will is revealed to her.

In other words, you gots me prayin’:tiphat:
I’m praying for her! Please keep us updated on what the doctors find tomorrow.:gopray:
Hi guys,
thanks so much for praying. The doctors decided that for now they will try and work with medications only as mom seems to be stabilising with the meds.
No date for her release from the hospital.
Our prayers are working. Please keep them coming. God bless!
Maria Rose
Just got word from my dad that my mom will have to receive the invasive groin to heart via arterie with tiny camera exam. Her heart rythm is not good. The proceedure will be done on Monday. please storm Heaven for her.
God bless you!
Maria Rose
Spoke to my mom today. She is in high spirits, but anxious to get the proceedure on Monday over with. She appreciates all your prayers very much as I do as well.
Maria Rose
My prayers for her. CA members have been so good to pray for my needs when I had them, and I know it’s made a difference! :love:
Thanks to all who have posted prayers or are saying prayers in private for our needs.
Hi guys,
got a call early this morning. it was Dad calling to tell me the proceedure went well and no major heart problems were found.The doctors will use medication to treat the arythmia. Praise God Allmighty for his Mercy.
Thanks for all your prayers!
We’re deeply grateful.
Maria Rose
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