Please pray for my son in the military and all those who lost their lives!

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I am begging and pleading for prayers for my son. He is having a very difficult time so please pray!
Hi Toni,

I will definitely pray for your son in the military, and also for you, as I think it must be so difficult to be a mother of a son in the military right now. May your son be safe with Our Lord on all his missions, and may he come home safely as soon as he can. May Toni be comforted in Your Love, Lord Jesus. Amen. Many blessings to you, Toni, and also to your son. :blessyou:
I am begging and pleading for prayers for my son. He is having a very difficult time so please pray!
I pray for all the Troops everyday and will say extras for your son…I’m the mother of 2 sons and can only imagine what you must be going through…
You and your son and all those who are serving are in my prayers.
Today at work I spoke with an elderly Chaldean couple. (Chaldeans are Iraqi Catholics) They appeared to be in their 60’s. (Detroit has the biggest concentration of Chaldeans and Arabs outside the Middle East). As I assisted them we chatted about the upcoming election. They are voting in their 1st Presidential election as American citizens. They told me about the horrors they suffered as Catholics in Iraq. We spoke of the 7 Catholic churches that were recently bombed in Bagdad. They told me they pray daily for the American soldiers and that they are forever indebted to them.
Lord Jesus, we lift up to you Toni’s son. Lord we ask you for your protections of all your children in Iraq.
Lord you know their hearts and you know this young who’s mother is asking for prayers. We ask you to cradle in your arms this young man and his family.
Blessed Mother we ask you to put your Motherly Mantle over all your children, in this worn torn country, protect them and continue to pray for them.
I am begging and pleading for prayers for my son. He is having a very difficult time so please pray!
For the Safety of Soldiers
Almighty and eternal God,
those who take refuge in you will be glad
and forever will shout for joy.
Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.
Protect them with the shield of your strength
and keep them safe from all evil and harm.
May the power of your love enable them to return home
in safety, that with all who love them,
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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