Peace be with you all.
First on behalf of my family and me, I would like to thank you for your prayers concerning this matter. They were answered, because a diagnoses of dementia vs psychosis was given this week. After being hospitalized, my father in law is now home. Mentally he is alert as best that can be expected. He has moments were he is spacey. Physically he is deteriorated, needing assistance for every activity. This is now a new challenge for all, but better than how he was under all the drugs the physicians had him on before. I thank you again for your kind thoughts and prayers. Your site and all registered to it are in my prayers.
God bless you all
Jorge Gomiz
First on behalf of my family and me, I would like to thank you for your prayers concerning this matter. They were answered, because a diagnoses of dementia vs psychosis was given this week. After being hospitalized, my father in law is now home. Mentally he is alert as best that can be expected. He has moments were he is spacey. Physically he is deteriorated, needing assistance for every activity. This is now a new challenge for all, but better than how he was under all the drugs the physicians had him on before. I thank you again for your kind thoughts and prayers. Your site and all registered to it are in my prayers.
God bless you all
Jorge Gomiz