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A lot of acronyms are used in this forum, and I thought it might be useful to list them all here. (eg. DH, DS, DM, DMIL, etc.) Sometimes their meaning is obvious, but sometimes I get a little lost, and I thought a central place where they are all listed would be useful. So feel free to post your favorite and its meaning.

D=dear, H=husband, S=son, etc.

One you see from me is SU = spousal unit 😃

A lot of acronyms are used in this forum, and I thought it might be useful to list them all here. (eg. DH, DS, DM, DMIL, etc.) Sometimes their meaning is obvious, but sometimes I get a little lost, and I thought a central place where they are all listed would be useful. So feel free to post your favorite and its meaning.

DMIL?? Darling Mother-in-Law??? On these forums? That one I haven’t seen! 😃
I actually have fun by trying to figure them out myself. The only one I’ve given up on is “kwim”

What does that mean?
KWIM = Know what I mean.

I have stuck this thread for the time being to help familiarize new forum members with common acronyms. Please be charitable and exhaustive.

Mane Nobiscum Domine,
Ferdinand Mary
Here are a few more:

ABC = Artificial Birth Control
ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union
BC = Birth Control
CCEO = Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium (Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Rites)
CIC = Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law for the Latin Rite)
CDF = (Sacred) Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
DC = Dignitatis Connubii, or DeuteroCanonical
DD = Dear/Darling Daughter
DH = Dear/Darling Husband
DS = Dear/Darling Son
EENS = Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (“outside the church there is no salvation”)
EMHC = Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
FSSP = Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter)
GIRM = General Instruction of the Roman Missal
HV = Humanae Vitae (Papal encyclical on birth control)
IC = Irreducible Complexity
ID = Intelligent Design
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
ISTM = It Seems To Me
JMJ = Jesus-Mary-Joseph (indicates a Catholic author)
JPII = (Pope) John Paul II
LG = Lumen Gentium (Vatican II Dogmatic Constitution on the Church)
LOTH = Liturgy Of The Hours (a.k.a. Divine Office)
LXX = Septuagint (Greek translation of Old Testament)
NAB = New American Bible
NFP = Natural Family Planning
NO = Novus Ordo (Missae) (“new order of the Mass”)
NT = New Testament
OP = Original Post/Poster
OS = Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (Apostolic letter on female ordination)
OT = Old Testament
RS = Redemptionis Sacramentum (Vatican instruction on liturgical abuse)
SAHM = Stay-At-Home Mother
SAHP = Stay-At-Home Parent
SCOTUS = Supreme Court Of The United States
SSA = Same Sex Attraction
SSPX = Society of St. Pius X
STD = Doctor of Sacred Theology, or Sexually Transmitted Disease
TLM = Tridentine Latin Mass
USCCB = U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
I can’t believe we haven’t mentioned the BVM!

BVM = Blessed Virgin Mary


RCIA = Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
RE = Religious Education/Educator
OTOH = On the other hand
JK = Just kidding
AFAIK = As far as I know
BLECH = Not an acronym but means “ick/icky” or “awful” or “disgusting/disgusted.”
WAHM- Work at Home Mom
IMNSHO- In my not so Humble Opinion
FIL- Father in Law
FWIW- For what it’s worth
HTH- hope that helps
CD- either cloth diapering or cycle days (for NFP)

oh… when I see DMIL- I thought of the “dear mother in law” but sometimes, I get the feeling the poster really means “deadly” mother in law if the post is a rant about their MIL.

wow… so does that mean that those of us that posted with more than one acronym spends too much time in these chat rooms? :rotfl:
BIL = Brother-In-Law
CAF = Catholic Answers Forums
CCC = Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCD = Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (religious instruction)
DRE = Director of Religious Education
EME = Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist (incorrect term for EMHC)
EWTN = Eternal Word Television Network
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
ISP = Internet Service Provider
LEM = Lay Ecclesial Minister
PM = Private Message
RSV-CE = Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition
SIL = Sister-In-Law
WRT = With Respect To
USAF — United States Air Force

USMC — United States Marine Core

USN United States Navy

Wait you probably already know those… Here are a few more:

AAFES (the place where air force wives shop on base)

PX (store on an Army base)
BX (Store on an AF base)
KISS — Keep it Simple stupid

ETD (estimated time of Departure) ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)

TDY (Temporary Duty) PCS (Permanant Change of Station … when we move from one base to another… OSPCS when it’s an overseas move)

BHS (Basic Housing allowance) how much the military allots for housing
There are countless Military Acronyms used by my husband but they aren’t in my usual vocabulary.

MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers… a club of sorts, usually at protestant churches)

GKGW (Growing Kids God’s Way, a fundamentalist childrearing phenomonon)

GOP (Grand Ole’Party Republican the party of Lincoln BTW)
DNP (Democaratic National Party a bunch of Donkeys, LOL)

MK (Magic Kingdom Disney World)
MNSSHP Mickey’s Not so Scarey Halloween Party
WDW (Walt Disney World)
MVMCP (Mickeys Very Merry Christmas Party)
DTD (Down Town Disney)

GORP (Dad always said it meant "Good Ole Raisins and Peanuts, but someone recently told me it is an English term for eating quickly)

NPLAL(National Pro Life Action League)
NOW (National Organization Women pro. abort.)
FFL (Feminists For Life)
There are many more I’m not thinking of right now.

KofC Knights of Columbus

GWP (Gift With Purchase, very big in the cosmetic world)
AAS = Acta Apostolicae Sedis (Acts of the Apostolic See), periodical for official promulgation of Vatican acts

CLSA = Canon Law Society of America

CLSGB&I = Canon Law Society of Great Britian and Ireland

DS = Denzinger-Schönmetzer, book containing dogmatic Church documents from throughout history

ICEL = International Commission on English in the Liturgy, the group that translates the Latin liturgy into English
Oops, I guess we missed one.

LOL = Laughing Out Loud
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