Please Read this Vatican document and make sure your parish priests read it too

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**Up until a few months ago I was under the impression that bishops notified all the priests in their diocese of any newly released documents from the various Congregations in the Vatican. I was wrong. At least this is not the case in our diocese. Many priests are unaware of the document Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition To Unions Between Homosexual Persons (linked below). **

Please read the document linked below and print out and give a copy to your parish priest. Even if he is aware of this document maybe by him knowing that some of his parishioners are aware of it it will encourage him to speak about it.

There is always the possibility that some priests and bishops would rather we didn’t know about this document.

CLICK HERE to read document in its entirety

4. There are absolutely no grounds for considering homosexual unions to be in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law. Homosexual acts “close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved”.
In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty
. One must refrain from any kind of formal cooperation in the enactment or application of such gravely unjust laws and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application. In this area, everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection.

  1. The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behaviour or to legal recognition of homosexual unions. The common good requires that laws recognize, promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family, the primary unit of society. Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself.
The Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II, in the Audience of March 28, 2003, approved the present Considerations, adopted in the Ordinary Session of this Congregation, and ordered their publication.

Rome, from the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 3, 2003, Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs.

Joseph Card. Ratzinger

Angelo Amato, S.D.B.
Titular Archbishop of Sila
*Secretary *

Joseph Card. Ratzinger (AKA Pope Benedict XVI)
I was well aware of it when it came out but not because any priest or bishop layed it on my lap.

I kept up-to-date by viewing the Vatican website regularly.

This very document regarding homosexuals & unions was the topic of a letter penned by 23 Chicago priests and 35 Rochester, NY priests. They did not like the strong and offensive language in the letter and so they told Pope John Paul II exactly how they felt. I have a link to this letter but am not sure I can post that here on CAforums.
I was well aware of it when it came out but not because any priest or bishop layed it on my lap.

I kept up-to-date by viewing the Vatican website regularly.

This very document regarding homosexuals & unions was the topic of a letter penned by 23 Chicago priests and 35 Rochester, NY priests. They did not like the strong and offensive language in the letter and so they told Pope John Paul II exactly how they felt. I have a link to this letter but am not sure I can post that here on CAforums.
Why would you not be able to post the link is it offensive?
Why would you be able to post the link is it offensive?
I am seeking permission from CA content moderators now. Stay tuned.
I don’t quite fit the poll. Yes, I was aware of it. Yes, I have had time to look it over prior to this. No, my parish priest bringing it to my attention is not the reason I know about it. He might have mentioned it in the bulletin, but I would have known about it prior to that anyway. Did he put it in the bulletin? I don’t recall. Could be either way. Probably it was mentioned in the pro-life leaflet portion, but I mostly ignore that leaflet.

Also, it was mentioned in the diocesean newspaper, I would assume, which my pastor pays to have every parishioner receive. So, it would be in the parishioner’s court if they didn’t hear about it. (I didn’t see it there only because something happened to my subscription and I didn’t receive it for quite awhile on accident).
I have a feeling (and this is just a feeling ) that some priests and bishops avoid this document at all cost.
I nearly died when I saw the post… I thought it was a lettering stating one should accept homosexual unions… I was like :eek: x 1,000,000,000
Then and read it and was like 👍 😃
I knew the point of this letter, but have never seen the letter before
This very document regarding homosexuals & unions was the topic of a letter penned by 23 Chicago priests and 35 Rochester, NY priests. They did not like the strong and offensive language in the letter and so they told Pope John Paul II exactly how they felt. I have a link to this letter but am not sure I can post that here on CAforums.
Gosh, it’s great that these Chicago and Rochester priests were able to set Holy Mother Church straight. Two thousand years of Scripture, and Tradition, a letter of instruction from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the overt assent to that document by the Vicar of Christ on Earth were CERTAINLY clouding this issue up a bit. Would that all of the clergy were as enlightened, as informed, by the Holy Spirit as these 58 priests! :rolleyes:

looked up vatican writings on the subject when the issue became a matter for Congress.

Found the document at the Vatican website, printed it out and read it.

The Vatican produces documents on many topics. The pope and other Vatican officials consult with the leading experts in every field. There is no way an ordinary person can possible read and know about everything the Vatican does.
This very document regarding homosexuals & unions was the topic of a letter penned by 23 Chicago priests and 35 Rochester, NY priests. They did not like the strong and offensive language in the letter and so they told Pope John Paul II exactly how they felt. I have a link to this letter but am not sure I can post that here on CAforums
Originally Posted by GloriaPatri4
Why would you be able to post the link is it offensive?
I am seeking permission from CA content moderators now. Stay tuned.
I am still waiting for permission. In the meantime I do have the link.
I nearly died when I saw the post… I thought it was a lettering stating one should accept homosexual unions… I was like :eek: x 1,000,000,000
Then and read it and was like 👍 😃
I knew the point of this letter, but have never seen the letter before
Ha, i was the exact same. Heart beat racing, nerves on edge. And then, it was all down to an ambiguos title.
Bobby A. Greene:
So where is the offensive language?
**In the recent past, individual bishops, bishops’ conferences and the Vatican have assumed a tone of such violence and abusiveness toward these sons and daughters of the Church, we can no longer remain silent. Has any other group of people within the Body of Christ been so assaulted and violated by such mean-spirited language? Examples from the most recent Vatican document show all too clearly the demonization of these children of God, referring to homosexuality as a “troubling moral and social phenomenon,” “a serious depravity,” “the spread of the phenomenon,” “approval or legalization of evil,” “grave detriment to the common good,” “harmful to the proper development of human society,” “intrinsically disordered.” Does anyone consider this vile and toxic language invitational? **

**For many gay and lesbian Catholics, this most recent series of attacks has forced them, out of self-respect and self-love, to withdraw from active participation in the Church and question how they can remain members of a Church they experience as abusive. It is not possible to minister to and with the needs of our homosexual brothers and sisters with language of this tone as a foundation. **
**The Catholic Church is most catholic when it is inclusive and embracing, and least reflective of the gospel of Jesus when it is exclusive and rigid. For this reason, we also want to affirm the many pastoral and positive statements by certain bishops and bishops’ conferences (e.g. “Always Our Children”). **

**The Church’s theology, including her moral teaching, is always in dialogue with the broader lived experience of her members, which shapes and rearticulates the ancient deposit of faith. We encourage a new atmosphere of openness to dialogue which includes the lived experience of many Catholic members. We recognize the blessings of countless homosexuals in a variety of relationships. We believe their experiences must be listened to respectfully.

While we do not know the reasons for the increasingly violent and abusive language, we deplore it as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and ask that it stop immediately. **

I Contemplative do not say this. This is what some think and feel.
Yes, I was aware of it and read it. Yet, was there something in there that was surprising to you?
In the recent past, individual bishops, bishops’ conferences and the Vatican have assumed a tone of such violence and abusiveness toward these sons and daughters of the Church, we can no longer remain silent.
Thank you Contemplative for this information.

My first question was: How many other “sons and daughters of the Church” had infiltrated the Priesthood not for the glory of God, but for their own sexual predatory agenda?

How many other “sons and daughters of the Church” are specifically identified in the Bible as “abomination”?

And how many others have wreaked such havoc on the Church as to cause a world wide crisis, the closing of entire seminaries, and over a billion dollars in reparations? Only the h-o-m-o-s-e-x-u-a-l, that’s who!

If there were no homosexuals in the Priesthood in the firstplace, there would have been no sexual abuse scandal of such magnitude and damage. So the practicing homosexual Christian really doesn’t have a lot to complain about.
Amen, Bobby.

Two friends of mine were interested in the priesthood. They were not happy with the homosexual atmosphere in the diocesan seminary they visited. One of them did find an order to join; the other eventually married.

I think a lot of men would be interested in the priesthood if they did not fear being tagged as homosexual.
I read about this in the Michigan Catholic newspaper. When I attended Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell Connecticut for a short time in the '80 I would guess 90% were homosexuals. I was staying in a religious house and not in the seminary housing thank God. My superiors wouldn’t let us discuss it even though you could tell they were disgusted with it.
contemplative said:
In the recent past, individual bishops, bishops’ conferences and the Vatican have assumed a tone of such violence and abusiveness toward these sons and daughters of the Church(no not the sinner, the sin, it is grave and should be condemned), we can no longer remain silent. Has any other group of people within the Body of Christ been so assaulted and violated by such mean-spirited language? Examples from the most recent Vatican document show all too clearly the demonization of these children of God,(again the sin not the sinner has been condemned) referring to homosexuality as a “troubling moral and social phenomenon,” “a serious depravity,” “the spread of the phenomenon,” “approval or legalization of evil,” “grave detriment to the common good,” “harmful to the proper development of human society,” “intrinsically disordered.”*(this is not condemning the sinner but the sin, why is it wrong in our society to point out behavior that is detrimental to society?)***Does anyone consider this vile and toxic language invitational? **

For many gay and lesbian Catholics, this most recent series of attacks has forced them, out of self-respect and self-love(self respect and self love come from the knowledge that one is doing the rightous thing not following what feels good to them. Simplistically, if I said that since I love icecream I should be able to eat 5 gallons a day without consequences, but I don’t, I eat balanced meals because they are good for me.), to withdraw from active participation in the Church and question how they can remain members of a Church they experience as abusive(So because of their perception, it is true?). It is not possible to minister to and with the needs of our homosexual brothers and sisters with language of this tone as a foundation.
The Catholic Church is most catholic when it is inclusive and embracing, and least reflective of the gospel of Jesus when it is exclusive and rigid(Isn’t this what some Protestant religions did when they decided that it wasn’t necessary to follow all the teachings of Jesus Christ? The Catholic Church is most inclusive when she stays true to the teachings of Christ, Christ pointed out the sins of others, he forgave their sins if they were truly repentant, that is how we should be). For this reason, we also want to affirm the many pastoral and positive statements by certain bishops and bishops’ conferences (e.g. “Always Our Children”).

The Church’s theology, including her moral teaching, is always in dialogue with the broader lived experience of her members, which shapes and rearticulates (where in God’s name did they get this notion? Jesus was the example of how we are to live not some minority that refuse to fully embrace their faith) the ancient deposit of faith. We encourage a new atmosphere of openness to dialogue which includes the lived experience of many Catholic members. We recognize the blessings of countless homosexuals in a variety of relationships (WHAT!!!). We believe their experiences must be listened to respectfully.

While we do not know the reasons for the increasingly violent and abusive language, we deplore it as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and ask that it stop immediately.

So this is the same thing as if I said that the Catholic church was alienating me because I am a divorced single mom. I can’t just go out and have sex or use birth control because they condemn it. Hahaha…right! I made my choice to follow the church and even though I divorced and had to confess to my priest and then had to abstain from premarital sex (for another 20 days!!!) This is NOT an option!!! Either I am Catholic and follow the teachings of my church or I am not Catholic and I can do what I want, but risk my eternal soul. First…homosexuality or the tendencies are not sinful…it is the act of pre or extra marital relations that is a sin. Why not condemn the sin…we show mercy to the sinner but not the sin!!! Holy cow!!! Where did these priests come up with this? All I can say is I need to pray for them!!!
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