Please spare a thought for the Holy Father this weekend . . . . . . . remembering the first thing he asked of us

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39 years ago Pope John Paul II was the first pope to visit Ireland .

Today Pope Francis is the second pope to visit Ireland .

What a difference 39 years can make .

39 years ago it was a great time for the Irish . There was something of irish pride in Pope John Paul II’s visit , akin to the national pride expressed in 1963 when President Kennedy visited Ireland .

Today , if any part of the Church were to epitomise the damage done to the Church by the scandals , scandals forcing the Church to face its gravest crisis since the Reformation , it is the Church in Ireland .

We feel hurt because of the scandals .

Putting ourselves in Pope Francis’ shoes , how must he feel ? What a burden he must shoulder , and day by day the burden gets no lighter .

May the Holy Father be granted all the wisdom and courage he needs this weekend and in all his days .

Do you remember this photograph , one of the first taken of Pope Francis as he bowed asking for the assembled people to pray for him ?

Let’s not let him down .

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Praying for the Holy Father. It is advised to pray one Our father, one Hail Mary and one Glory be everyday for the intentions of the pope as well as for intentions of souls in purgatory.
Beautiful Post Rob2! :pray:t5:
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Pope Francis devoted a significant portion of his first speech in Ireland to the abuse scandal. I’m glad he addressed the situation, as I expected he would, but I’m not sure how his words will be received. It’s a no-win situation for him in that some people will always say he’s not doing enough no matter what he does or says. My prayers, meager though they be, are with him, and the people of Ireland, and the entire Church, especially those who are suffering.

I just read this over at Crux website. Matt Talbot is a favorite of mine.
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Varadkar was disrespectful to the Pope in his speech. He could have talked privately with Pope Francis about the issues in Ireland but he decided he would publicly attack him in front of everyone in Dublin Castle. Varadkar is a dangerous man and despises the church. The next election can’t come quick enough to get him out.
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Watching and praying right now. I am unaware of the history of Ireland, so will have to read up. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
This morning the Holy Father travels to County Mayo to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock .

Our Lady of Knock , our Mother , you whom Pope Francis likes to call “Mama” , be a source of blessings to our Holy Father .

Be a source of blessings to the Church in Ireland and to all the people of Ireland .

Be a source of blessings to the Universal Church and to all created by our Father .

Be a Mother of Mercy to us all , for we are all sinners .

Touch us with that Balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole , to heal our sin-sick souls.

Lady of Knock​


Pope Francis - Dublin - Farewell Ceremony​

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