Please pass this idea along to everyone on your e-mail list! We are about to be hit with an onslaught of “No on Prop. 73” commercials. We could become moving billboards by using glass chalk on our car windows to spread the word and urge people to vote yes on Prop. 73. Glass chalk can be purchased at Wal-Mart (usually in the automotove dept.)and stays on during the rain but comes easily when washed. White shows up best on tinted window. This can reach thousands of people very easily and inexpensively. In addition, it can be read far more easily than a bumper sticker. Here are some ideas for slogans:
Protect our daughters! Yes on 73!
Our childred, our responsibility! Yes on 73!
My child, my responsibility! Yes on 73!
No aspirin - no surgery! Yes on 73!
etc., etc., etc.
For more information on Prop. 73 see yeson73.net/default.html
Protect our daughters! Yes on 73!
Our childred, our responsibility! Yes on 73!
My child, my responsibility! Yes on 73!
No aspirin - no surgery! Yes on 73!
etc., etc., etc.
For more information on Prop. 73 see yeson73.net/default.html