Please spread this around

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Please pass this idea along to everyone on your e-mail list! We are about to be hit with an onslaught of “No on Prop. 73” commercials. We could become moving billboards by using glass chalk on our car windows to spread the word and urge people to vote yes on Prop. 73. Glass chalk can be purchased at Wal-Mart (usually in the automotove dept.)and stays on during the rain but comes easily when washed. White shows up best on tinted window. This can reach thousands of people very easily and inexpensively. In addition, it can be read far more easily than a bumper sticker. Here are some ideas for slogans:

Protect our daughters! Yes on 73!

Our childred, our responsibility! Yes on 73!

My child, my responsibility! Yes on 73!

No aspirin - no surgery! Yes on 73!

etc., etc., etc.

For more information on Prop. 73 see
When Pope Benedict was elected I painted our car windows with Habemus Papem, etc. I couldn’t believe the reaction I got. Many total strangers gave me the thumbs up. When I go this idea from my friend, I realized just how many people would see this especially with the amount of driving I do. Besides that, it’s one thing to hear the radio and T.V. (almost all of which will be "No on Prop 73) but it’s another thing to see fellow citizens stuck in traffic just like you. 👍
You are in my prayers, we lost it in New Zealand when our socialist government voted against parental notification or consent.
Ouch! Sorry for your loss of rights. We’ve already lost this right here and are trying to get it back! Please pray!

As I was painting the car last night, I got a few positive responses and at the very least, a lot of lookers! I live on a fairly busy corner so I’ve got a yard sign that can’t be stolen (or at least it’s a lot harder to do so!)
I ended up putting

Save your parental rights!
Parents should know!
Protect your daughters!

So far, the results have been very positive with many inquiries into what it was all about. I’ve been stopped several times while getting into my car and after I explain I always get a thumbs up.

Our homeschool group had a picket the other day and they also got all thumbs up except for one guy who approached one of the children because he didn’t think that they knew what it was about and that her mother was just making her hold a sign. He got an earfull when the little girl explained to him exactly what Prop 73 was about. 👍

I just found out that the unions have endorsed the “No on 73” side. :mad: Just another hurdle to cross.
I read some of the arguments in The Official Voter Information Guide. The following people contributed to the argument in favor of Prop 73:

William P. Clark
California Supreme Court Justice (1973-1981)
Mary L. Davenport**
M.D., Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Maria Guadalupe Garcia**
Organizing Director Parents’ Right to Know and Child Protection/YES ON 73
Professor Teresa Stanton** Collett, J.D.
National Authority on Parental Notification and Involvement Laws

**Jane E. Anderson, M.D., FAAP
**Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine

**Katherine R. Dowling, M.D., FAAP, FAAFP
**Associate Professor Emeritus, Family Medicine
University of Southern California, School of Medicine

I was pretty impressed. 👍
LOL! My OB/GYN is on that list! She’s a wonderful pro-life doctor. Go Mary, go!
LOL! My OB/GYN is on that list! She’s a wonderful pro-life doctor. Go Mary, go!
Whoa, that’s so awesome! 😃
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