I too am on the road to recovery of this evil, the whole masturbation/porn vicious circle. You know after the fact when you have performed the act, you say to yourself “ok no more” but, it seems to happen again if you don’t take a stand and get serious. I am serious with this and the last time I viewed such things, I just couldn’t bring myself to do the deed. I think God is really working with me on this. I’m tired of it, really tired of it.
The fear of hell isn’t my driving force to buckle this up, its because I love Jesus and I hurt him when I do these vile things and I wish to follow Him more.
It has been a fight with with since I was young, it must of started because my Dad had the stuff and I’d sneak to look at the movies, it graduated to the CPU where it has been that medium for a while. I had some good fights and won some battles and I will win this war. I have a vivid imagination and I imagine I’m in a castle and the enemy is climbing the battlements and I’m facing a formidable army but, I will prevail because God is with me and Jesus is my master.
The secret is prayer, really, I know the last time I was about to view the smut I closed my eyes, and my body started to shake and I got kinda queasy, Satan’s minions were on me, and it seems this always happens (the shakes, the upset stomach) when my urges are strong btw. I kept on repeating “Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name, Blessed it be the name of Jesus” and it worked. Another thing is to recognise what drives you to do it, get away from it, go as far as putting a security anti porn programme on your CPU and deliberately lose the password, if need be or have someone keep the password and make it up for you. Do not watch risky movies that will ignite a firestorm and lead you to more graphic movies. Stay away from movies that have no point and are “mindless”. If lustful thoughts invade you do your best to dismiss them ASAP.
My next course of action and I highly encourage everyone to say the Rosary each day for strength, peace, health, and conversion of sinners, those who battle addictions and for the souls of Purgatory. I’ll read the Bible more to gain more strength, it really is time to act my age and “man up” on this issue. God made me different than the animals, I can control my sexual urges.
Jesus I trust in you.
Peace to all of you and may Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Kings of Kings, walk with you on your path. Please continue to pray for me, and I for sure will do the same.
The fear of hell isn’t my driving force to buckle this up, its because I love Jesus and I hurt him when I do these vile things and I wish to follow Him more.
It has been a fight with with since I was young, it must of started because my Dad had the stuff and I’d sneak to look at the movies, it graduated to the CPU where it has been that medium for a while. I had some good fights and won some battles and I will win this war. I have a vivid imagination and I imagine I’m in a castle and the enemy is climbing the battlements and I’m facing a formidable army but, I will prevail because God is with me and Jesus is my master.
The secret is prayer, really, I know the last time I was about to view the smut I closed my eyes, and my body started to shake and I got kinda queasy, Satan’s minions were on me, and it seems this always happens (the shakes, the upset stomach) when my urges are strong btw. I kept on repeating “Blessed be God, Blessed be His Holy Name, Blessed it be the name of Jesus” and it worked. Another thing is to recognise what drives you to do it, get away from it, go as far as putting a security anti porn programme on your CPU and deliberately lose the password, if need be or have someone keep the password and make it up for you. Do not watch risky movies that will ignite a firestorm and lead you to more graphic movies. Stay away from movies that have no point and are “mindless”. If lustful thoughts invade you do your best to dismiss them ASAP.
My next course of action and I highly encourage everyone to say the Rosary each day for strength, peace, health, and conversion of sinners, those who battle addictions and for the souls of Purgatory. I’ll read the Bible more to gain more strength, it really is time to act my age and “man up” on this issue. God made me different than the animals, I can control my sexual urges.
Jesus I trust in you.
Peace to all of you and may Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Kings of Kings, walk with you on your path. Please continue to pray for me, and I for sure will do the same.