Hrmm… that doesn’t sound like the Plotinus I know.
But we unpack his cosmological schema for a second:
If by “God” you are referring to his Conception of “the One,” you might be correct.
The difficulty tends to be with what people correlate the word “god” with.
Plotinus has a string of arguments that forces people to consider the Universe in the following manner.
The One —> The Intellect —> The Soul —> Nature
The Intellect can be correlated to Aristotle’s Conception of a Prime Mover, the One not so much.
The Intellect is supposed to hold all of Plato’s Forms inside of its intelligbile realm. Those Forms are the sum total of everything that Mankind can possiblely understand.
And herein lies the Problem, the One is therefore Unapproachable and Unknowable. We don’t possess the necessary concepts to encapsulate it.
The One (being a Principle of Unity) is according to the Platonic conception of reality, the “most real” thing in Existence, but it
emanates the rest of the chain of being automatically and eternally (eternal = Timeless).
So in that particular sense, The One isn’t particularly concerned or perhaps even aware of what it has created.
This is similar to the Divine Mind that Aristotle posits. His Primer Mover is lost in thought, and the only thing it is thinking about is…itself.