Poem I wrote, "Faith Is My Shield"

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This is a poem I wrote (and am still working on). I wanted to post it here in case there’s something about it that’s not quite right for any reason…I dedicate it to the Lord, so I want to make it as good as it can be. I’m still deciding on a title, but I think I’ll go with the one I have for now until I think up a better one…the title actually refers to a line later on in the 3rd part to this story, but I’m still working on those parts so I’ll post this for now.

A long time ago on a cool serene day
I wandered through the countryside for somewhere to play.
I walked among the trees, healthy and lean,
and explored grassy meadows, a beautiful green.
Soon I became tired and my legs needed rest,
so I leaned against a tree under a bird’s nest.
My eyelids grew heavy, and I soon sank into sleep
in peace and sound mind, for my slumber was deep.

My rest wouldn’t be long, as I soon found out
when I woke up and saw her walking about.
It was the woman I saw who had caught my eye
because she had brilliant wings with which she could fly.
She was a pretty young woman, shapely and fair,
with a radiant face and long golden hair.
Then she noticed me and for a moment she gazed,
looking me over as if I was being appraised.
But before I had the chance to speak
she sprinted away and I tried to seek
the fascinating winged angel who fled so fast
until she halted in a meadow at last.

The look on her face was really quite sad.
No calm or bliss-none if this she had.
With tears in her eyes, she pointed to the sky so clear,
and what I saw as I gazed up filled me with wonder and fear.
One side of the sky was filled with creatures pure,
all of them heavenly, for they were evil’s cure.
There were beautiful angels and eagles proud
leading an army of birds, and I almost bowed
before that righteous winged army right there,
but then I saw something that gave me a scare.

The other side of the sky was a horrible sight
of horrid monsters, the creatures of night.
There were bats, harpies, locusts and bees
and ugly scaled dragons much larger than trees.
For miles they spread their wretched smell
since they were pulled from the depths of hell.
They all gathered together into a swarming legion.
The hideous vermin were planning a siege in
the vast realm of the darkening sky
with demons sprouting wings, ready to fly.

Then the two sides clashed and battled
with such intensity it left me shaken and rattled.
It was a very long, very intense fight
of good versus evil, of darkness versus light.
And then to my horror the angel joined in
in the epic battle to fight against sin.
I tried to stop her and cried “Please don’t go!
What can you do against so evil a foe?!”
But up she flew, and then she let out a wail
quick and high-pitched, like the cry of a quail.

Down she fell, down from the sky.
Her wings were broken and she couldn’t fly.
She landed in my arms and then I cried,
“Because of those monsters, my angel friend died!
For this, I swear by the light of the day
for this crime, they shall now pay!!”
By some work of a miracle or magic
wings sprouted out from my back.
Without hesitation, up I flew
and several beasts I instantly slew.

I kept fighting through night until dawn
and I didn’t stop until they were all gone.
Then to my joy the angel returned
and it was at that moment that I then learned
she was only knocked out and didn’t really die
and out of relief I let out a long sigh.
She then flew up and spoke to me
with a smile in her face showing much glee.
“You, young boy, are a brave lad.
You defended the good and helped slay the bad.
Evil has lost, their mission has failed.
Because of you, good has prevailed.”

“Now I have something that I must reveal:
All this was a dream, none of it real.
You’ve proven yourself as a righteous man
who would never take a side with an evil clan.
Now wake up and arise from your nap,
for I’ve left you a gift lying on your lap!
It will be simple, as you will soon see,
yet always shall it bring back your memory of me.”

At that moment my eyes opened wide.
When I recalled the dream I then sighed,
Pondering and wondering what it could have meant,
and let out a gasp when I found the gift was sent.
There in my lap lay a feather smooth and white
to always remind me of the angel and the fight.
Ave Maria!
I really love ur poem… the imagery and the meaning behind it is so beautiful!! :clapping:
Keep it up! And always dedicate ur writings to the Lord and may it always be for His glory!
Thank you! I actually have a second part to it which I will probably post when I think it’s ready, which should be quite soon…but, it kind of does takes a more sad turn, but it gets better as things progress from there.
Here’s the next parts to my poem…

On the very same day of my strange dream
as the sun went down and lowered its beam
I skipped on my way home eager to tell
about my dream of heaven versus hell.
As I ran home I held my feather tight
so it wouldn’t drop as I ran that night.

Then I arrived at a horrible scene
of vicious murderers, ugly and mean.
Armed with axes, swords, torches and knives
they torched my village and took many lives.
They seemed to get some sort of sickening thrill
out of burning down homes and merciless kill.
As soon as everything was stolen or dead,
the killers ran off and away they fled.
When the thieves left, there began a heavy rain.
Had the water come to wash away my pain?

Then I cried out when I saw my house
engulfed in flames that the rain couldn’t douse.
There I realized I was the only one spared,
but about my own life I no longer cared.
All I could do was tremble and moan,
for I was left there sad and alone.
My anger and sadness welled up inside
for on that night a part of me died.

Several years later when I got older
I felt something light touching my shoulder.
I turned and saw to my sudden delight
the beautiful angel from the epic fight.
I never forgot the dream from long ago
and hope inside me began to grow….
(Then he remembered all the sadness he suffered on that same day of his dream, and that his village was destroyed while he was out sleeping in the woods. His anger, sadness, and remorse for not being there with his family and village came over him. He felt guilty for being the sole survivor, and he told the angel about his grief)

The angel’s presence was still warm and pretty,
but in her eyes she showed anger and pity.
"I know of your woes and I’m aware of your grief,
but your sorrow and self pity has been far from brief!
For all that you’ve lost, you’ve shed many tears.
You’ve been crying too long, you’ve been mourning for years!
Now it’s time to move on and get on with your life,
for the world now suffers too much sorrow and strife.

As I traveled and flew here to you, I prayed
that you would join my cause and come to my aid.
The world is in peril, darkness is growing,
and the winds of battle are already blowing.
In order to halt evil’s wrathful gust
we need fighters for all that is just.
But all those willing to defend are numbered and few,
and that is why I came to make this request to you.
Join the righteous in battle against all that is bad.
Join us and fight with us as you once had."

Upon hearing her speech I was slightly moved,
but my attitude then still hardly improved.
"To enter such a battle, I have no desire.
All my valor and hope was destroyed in a fire.
The hope I once had is now but a wraith.
What have I to fight with if I have no faith?

Dead is my spirit, my happiness gone.
Without it there’s nothing to drive me on.
I cannot stand against evil’s dark power.
Before it I shall only crumble and cower.
For the world’s problems, I have no care,
for my woes alone are too much to bear."

“Then let go of your misery, woe and sorrow
in order to protect the promise of tomorrow!
Let not your sadness keep you so down.
Remove from your face your negative frown!
Was it not by evil’s doing your family died?
You can avenge them by battling on our side.
That alone should at least motivate you until
you’re inspired to fight for the sake of good will.”

Finally her words miraculously moved me,
and it was at that moment that I could clearly see
that the crisis was urgent and that I was needed.
So the angel’s persistence had truly succeeded.
“The words you have spoken are wise and true,
so please tell me now what I must do.”
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