What does a marriage mean for a person who can’t or won’t have more children?
For example, a widow who doesn’t want more kids.
For example, a widow who doesn’t want more kids.
Marriage is ordered to both procreation and unity of spouses. When the time and season of procreation is past, unity of spouses is still a primary end of marriage.What does a marriage mean for a person who can’t or won’t have more children?
For example, a widow who doesn’t want more kids.
No. It would only be invalid if one of the parties intended to never have kids from the start. A valid marriage never just becomes invalid.If a couple is not open to even the possibility of new life, the marriage is de facto invalid.
Yes, and if a couple can’t have their own children, then it is THE primary end for them. Marriage is not just about children. For those who are married, it is also their means to achieve salvation.Marriage is ordered to both procreation and unity of spouses. When the time and season of procreation is past, unity of spouses is still a primary end of marriage.