originally posted by soulspeak23
What is with the “agenda” obsession?
The “agenda” is a movement to “normalize” that which is not normal. Also not moral. If some of us appear to be “obsessed” with it, it is because it is insidiously and blatently being pushed into every aspect of our daily lives against our will. (movies, TV, schools, politics, ad naseum) To ignore it is condoneing by inaction and silence. Therefore, some of us WILL speak out and continue to do so while being labled “bigots” and “haters” by those who seek to promote it.
originally posted by soulspeak23
Do you honsetly believe that all the gay people in the world have secretly been plotting to bring down the Catholic Church.
No, and that is an overstatement. “Gays” do not necessarily want to “bring down” The Catholic Church, but a loud few are trying desperately to force The Church to accept their “lifestyle” which is directly opposed to the moral teachings thereof. If you do not belive that this is happening, read and listen to more news and check out some of the threads in the
"In The News" section of this board. The articles cited are always accompanied by reference, which is a forum rule.
We all know that there is no sin in having SSA, but there is great sin in acting upon it. The Church has spoken on this issue and yet the promoters of the “agenda” continue to beat at the doors as if all the noise and name calling will make one iota of difference or change any Doctrine.
Neither the gates of Hell nor nor any self obsessed immoral “agenda”, be it “gay” or other, will EVER prevail against The Church that Christ Himself established.
On a separate note, outside of The Church issue; while I’m sure there are individual officers of the law that have harrassed a person because of a perceived sexual orientation, I doubt that it’s any more than isolated incidence. A “gay” person, so treated, would scream predjudice so loudly that the entire weight of the ACLU and all their minions, not to mention the news media, would descend on that officer and his entire police department like locusts, destroying reputations enmass.
And, how would anyone, including a police officer, even know the sexual orientation of any person if it were not evidenced by action or speech? Is the “harrassed” person baiting the officer? For what reason? There is some food for thought.