I am getting ready to vote in the November Election. I really do have trouble with this idea that anyone who votes for a pro-choice politician is guilty of a mortal sin. In the first place, how on earth are you supposed to know what their opinions are on this? If you do find out, how do you know they will put their money where their mouth is? I was just sitting here looking at my Voter’s Guide. There are many candidates for many positions on the City and County Council, School Board, etc. If you read the candidates’ statement, usually abortion is not even mentioned. So after I vote, how am I supposed to figure out whether or not I commited a mortal sin? Seriously, I really would like to take the person’s opinion on abortion into consideration when I vote. I thought maybe there was a Web Site somewhere that showed their opinions. I have typed everything I can think of into Google, and I can’t find it. If there is such a thing, I would need it for the State of Washington. Does anyone here know the link if such a thing exists?