Politician's Opinion on Abortion

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I am getting ready to vote in the November Election. I really do have trouble with this idea that anyone who votes for a pro-choice politician is guilty of a mortal sin. In the first place, how on earth are you supposed to know what their opinions are on this? If you do find out, how do you know they will put their money where their mouth is? I was just sitting here looking at my Voter’s Guide. There are many candidates for many positions on the City and County Council, School Board, etc. If you read the candidates’ statement, usually abortion is not even mentioned. So after I vote, how am I supposed to figure out whether or not I commited a mortal sin? Seriously, I really would like to take the person’s opinion on abortion into consideration when I vote. I thought maybe there was a Web Site somewhere that showed their opinions. I have typed everything I can think of into Google, and I can’t find it. If there is such a thing, I would need it for the State of Washington. Does anyone here know the link if such a thing exists?
Maybe this site will help?

If that doesn’t work, you could try a google search on the candidate+abortion or you could ask a local pro-life organization if they have any info.
an elected official takes an oath of office in which he promises to defend and uphold the constitution of the United States. The constitution protects and bases all the other rights it protects on the right to life. For an elected or appointed official to approve or worse promote abortion as a matter of public policy is to directly attack and undermine the constitution. This is not even getting into the moral issue involved, which makes the degradation of women, destruction of children and de facto genocide against minorities (among whom the disproportionate numbers of abortions are performed).
If you believe abortion is murder, I don’t see how you could support anyone who endorses abortion.

Right to Life in my area publishes their own list of “Pro-Life” candidates around elections. This is based on voting consistency, rather then just political speeches. I’d contact Right to Life in your area, they can probably assist you.
Comments asking why I would want to vote for a pro-choice person are not helpful. My question was, how on earth do you find out the candidate’s opinion on abortion? The link provided by one of the people who responded would be very helpful if we were voting on senators and respresentatives. The problem is, we are voting on lesser positions like King County Council, etc. I tried typing names into Google with the word “abortion,” and I didn’t find anything useful. I tried looking at the candidates’ Web Sites, and they don’t specify what their position on abortion is.
You are obligated to vote for a Pro-Life candidate whether it be a candidate for President or for County Clerk. That means you can’t vote for Demon-crats.
You are obligated to vote for a Pro-Life candidate whether it be a candidate for President or for County Clerk. That means you can’t vote for Demon-crats.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with you. I know plenty of people who think like Democrats, or may even be Democrats, but are pro-life. There are also plenty of pro-choice Republicans. A lot of the people I’m trying to make a decision on are listed as non-partisan. I assume that I’m not the only one here who is voting in November. If you are voting for County Clerk (or something like that) in November, where are you getting your information to find out that person’s opinion on abortion?

As I said before, this information seems to be readily available for presidential candidates and even for people running for the Senate and House of Representatives. I just don’t seem to be finding it for lesser positions like County Clerk.
Comments asking why I would want to vote for a pro-choice person are not helpful. My question was, how on earth do you find out the candidate’s opinion on abortion? The link provided by one of the people who responded would be very helpful if we were voting on senators and respresentatives. The problem is, we are voting on lesser positions like King County Council, etc. I tried typing names into Google with the word “abortion,” and I didn’t find anything useful. I tried looking at the candidates’ Web Sites, and they don’t specify what their position on abortion is.
Find their phone number and ask them. 😃
this is about the best phone directory I’ve found to use, works great, can search by just about anything
You are obligated to vote for a Pro-Life candidate whether it be a candidate for President or for County Clerk. That means you can’t vote for Demon-crats.
No, you are not.
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