What is your general impression?
I think this is exactly the point–people ask why there are so many “marriages” which are invalid, and think the raw numbers mean there is something wrong with the back end (applicants for declaration of nullity getting what they applied for) when the real problem is on the front end (before the marriage is even attempted). Of course, the strengthened catechesis needs to begin long before the couple presents themselves as an engaged couple.I would say the issue probably isn’t as much about annulments – easy or not – as much as it is about how well we are educating people who are about to enter into the sacrament of Matrimony.
Education about the sacrament is more than just a few meetings with a priest and a compatibility test. I think the problem with divorce stems from deep within the lack of catechesis of young children.
What are we teaching them about the faith (or not teaching them)? What are we teaching them about the importance of choosing a mate – Not just someone you are attracted to – but choosing someone that will help you raise a holy family and get to Heaven?
Lets assume for the sake of discussion that someone somewhere has obtained an annulment either by hook or by crook… God’s knows what’s in the heart of men, and when that person comes before St Peter,… my guess is that’s when justice will be exacted…Here is a link to a strory about the Kennedy situation:
coersion… (shot gun wedding) (someone was pregnant at the time of the vows and pressure from the family forced marriage) at least in their mind… either way, when asked if they were there of free will the “yes” answer wan not honest, or more realistically, if there had been no pregnancy, they wouldn’t have been in front of the minister at all… lots of other grounds possible…On what grounds does someone married 18 years with several kids file an annulment?
On the same grounds as any annulment. Grounds for annulment apply to the state of the affairs at the time of the marriage. Gathering evidence after 18 years might prove more problematic.On what grounds does someone married 18 years with several kids file an annulment?
Maria-Pia:Applying for a decree of nullity (the proper term) is gut wrenching and one must do a lot of soul searching. One must write up a summary of courtship and marriage, find at least 3 witnesses that will agree to be interviewed, the petitioner must be interviewed (it’s like confession but worse and no absolution) then the whole thing must be judged not once but twice. Oh and your ex gets to put their 2 cents worth in too. Nice!
Not for the faint of heart! And no guarantee the decree will be issued and one still has to pay for the whole thing.
But was it worth it - you bet! To paraphrase a popular commercial:
Decree - $1200
Long distance phone calls rounding up witnesses $25
Gas driving back and forth to Adoration Chapel to pray, pray and pray some more $50
Computer paper and ink writing up summary and letters $25
Receiving Communion again - **PRICELESS!!! **