Poll for Catholics: Worried about the Church?

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Do you worry about the Church? (Such as, worry about current developments, about its future, about whether it will “die out”, etc.) If so, how often do you worry?

Responses from Catholics only, please.
  • Constantly
  • Often
  • Sometimes
  • Occasionally
  • Not much
  • I really don’t worry about the Church, I leave it in God’s hands
0 voters
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I don’t worry about the church but worry for my children’s future where the enemies will be worse.
Bumping up to hopefully get more poll responses.

I was curious about this question due to the number of “sky is falling” posts we get on here regarding the Church.
sky is falling” posts we get on here regarding the Church.
I tend not to pay this any heed. Practically every era of Church history had such worries. People for some reason like to think that it’s only the era we live in that’s “unfaithful” or “liberal” but the truth is humanity hasn’t changed much over the centuries and you can find many of the same complaints made here in the annals of “Complaining Christians Over the Centuries.”
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I don’t pay attention to it personally myself either, being in the “I really don’t worry about the Church” group, but I was curious as to how many posters might genuinely fall in the other groups. There are people on here who do genuinely worry about the Church.
I don’t see why we would ever need to worry about the church? Worrying about governments and their plans to attack the church would be different. Maybe if I lived in Germany I would be concerned?
I wonder if Christians in the first century were worried about the Church. They were much fewer, more geographically clustered, and actively persecuted. They had reason to worry, and perhaps they worried, but they had great faith.
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It seems like “the Church” at that time was seen as being more themselves, and less this big institution somewhere that might topple.

I think people nowadays struggle with the idea of the Church being themselves, because in recent centuries we’ve become used to having a say in our institutions, and the Church does not give us a say.
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Well we are told in Scripture not to worry or be anxious but at the same time we are warned about false teachers and teachings. So there was not a poll selection that I could choose. I think we should have a healthy concern and it’s pretty obvious that there are problems. Yes, it is in God’s hands but Jesus tells us to follow Him and that includes into the desert to do battle.
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