What do you think of the polls in this forum? Are they worthwhile or are they a waste of time and electrons?
I second that!I believe the Polls are a way for those who might be too shy in actually typing something and have posted. At least they have a ‘voice’ in the topic provided.
Also, polls help spur conversation as well…even the polls that have NOTHING to do with the Faith itself.
(I found the poll on Catholic and Fast Food or the one Catholic and Pizza and others interesting because they lighten up the mood of these Forums)
We can somewhat know each other a bit more personal and social…ie’ to let our hair down’.
One final comment…Just try to imagine how the early church spent their everyday life. I am sure not allof the faithful sat around be theological 24/7, THEY LIVED LIFE to the fullest as they could!
Go with God!
Its all about Free will… I like them and find it very interesting what everyone has to say.I think it’s one of those things where if you don’t like it, you shouldn’t answer the poll. If no one answers the pizza poll, then it won’t stay around on the board. But, if some people enjoy it, what does it hurt? We can always skip over a poll that doesn’t seem interesting to us.