POLL The Age When Joseph Married Mary?

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I think earlier than 20… Marriage happened when women were younger then. My guess is mid teens.
I’m gonna say young-ish, given how much he traveled on foot during the infancy narratives.
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Well, we have no clue of course. But my vote is young because I think a young, virile man who has given God his vow of chastity is beautiful. I like AmazingGrace’s thought about how much walking he did.
As I mentioned in another thread, our local Cathedral has a wonderful statue of a very young (20s) Joseph holding a lily. I pray before it often.
By the way, today is the first Wednesday of the month, a day devoted to Joseph. Most pure heart of St. Joseph, pray for us!
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I read the poll as to how old Joseph was, not how old Mary was. It was believed that Mary was young and it was common for young women to marry older men. It seems that Joseph was an older man and possibly had a family already and need a wife for perhaps raising his children. It wouldn’t be uncommon to lose a spouse at that time of history. The mode of travel at the time was by foot. So if Joseph was in his 40s or even older he probably was in good shape. Often it is speculated that Jesus had brothers. My speculation is that Jesus may have had ‘step’ brothers. Stepbrothers would have considered brothers by friends and families during the time of Jesus. The thing is that no one can truly know and there is a lot of guesstimates in trying to figure it all out. Even if we could-wouldn’t that take away some of the mystery of Jesus? I love a good mystery!!
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The poll is about Mary’s age? I thought it was about that of Joseph.
Mary I believe was considered a young teenager. Women typically were ready for marriage in that time and place by age 14 or so.
There is a tradition that she was dedicated to the Temple since 5 till about 15.
It is highly likely St. Joseph was much older, considering the times. Blessed Anne Emmerich also said in her revelations that he was older.

I don’t think he ever had another family. St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine held the teaching that he was a virgin himself.
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Our Lady was probably quite young. There’s an ancient tradition, fully accepted to this day in the East, that St Joseph was older and a widower. According to this tradition, Sts James and Jude were his children from that previous marriage.
I do know Joseph - was not - at the foot of the cross - many years later …
Joseph was not mentioned as the head of the home at the Wedding of Canna. Mary was and it seems she was the head of the household and instructed the servants yet deferred to Jesus. That probably meant that Jesus was the traditional head even though He may not have been in residence. At the crucifixion, Jesus remanded His mother into the care of John. All very speculative and as I said I do like a good mystery.
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