Poll: Which religion followers are the kindest?

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I know your religion to you is the truest and kindest religion. But I’m not talking about the religion or its laws. I’m talking about the followers of the religion. Keep in mind that although your religion has rules encourage or require its followers to be kind, but not all followers will listen or just pretend to obey those rules.

So, to your observations of the world and people around you, which religion followers are the kindest to everybody around them?
I know your religion to you is the truest and kindest religion. But I’m not talking about the religion or its laws. I’m talking about the followers of the religion. Keep in mind that although your religion has rules encourage or require its followers to be kind, but not all followers will listen or just pretend to obey those rules.

So, to your observations of the world and people around you, which religion followers are the kindest to everybody around them?
I don’t have a lot of experience with non Christian religions but thinking back over my own experience, Episcopalians and members of the Disciples of Christ denomination have been among those Christians nice towards me. And I know a Muslim family who has been very kind.
Non-religious…they don’t have a dog in the fight.
Yes that’s the problem with foundamentalists 😃

But really i have no clues, if we let religion prescriptions,
buddhists then would be the kindest, without a god. But really any religion should tolerate and love the brothers. Hinduists also, having so many gods, would accept everyone, I presume. Still we are called to love everyone.
I guess kindness is not bound to a religion, but if by kind you mean more than just polite and smiling (that would be the Japanese :)) then I can see no one better then another. you can’t really say who follows the rules the best, since in any religion you have the full range, from hate to love until death.
I’m not sure that “kindness” can really be broken down by religion. It seems to be much more of a cultural issue, with religion being an accidental feature. Can we really say that an Irish-Catholic and a Nigerian-Catholic are roughly as kind because they are Catholic? That doesn’t make much sense to me.
Pax Christi!

Members of the so-called Plymouth Brethren I know are great people, and almost every Jew I’ve ever met has been very neighborly.

I have been treated very badly by a few Muslims, and even one or two fellow Catholics, especially when I had long hair. Sigh.

God bless everyone, in any case.
I know your religion to you is the truest and kindest religion. But I’m not talking about the religion or its laws. I’m talking about the followers of the religion. Keep in mind that although your religion has rules encourage or require its followers to be kind, but not all followers will listen or just pretend to obey those rules.

So, to your observations of the world and people around you, which religion followers are the kindest to everybody around them?
Sikhs. Almost every Sikh I have met has been friendly, cheerful, hard working and polite. At their temples anyone can get a free meal if they want. In person they are a very impressive advertisement for their religion.

I don’t recall anywhere in the new testament that it is written that we must be “nice”.
Sikhs. Almost every Sikh I have met has been friendly, cheerful, hard working and polite. At their temples anyone can get a free meal if they want. In person they are a very impressive advertisement for their religion.

Ah yes that is true.

I would like to had an opinion of the sunday school teacher i had many years ago:

We as Christians should have the Faith and Love of Jesus, the intransigence (on matters of Faith) and passion of Muslims, the Kindness and meditation of Buddhists.
Well, as I live in the Midwest, it’s not unusual for most folks to be relatively kind. It is also not unusual for most folks to be relatively conservative Christians, though I’ve met friendly atheists and deists, too.
I’m afraid my experience of ther faiths is very narrow; many Carholics, a Protestant friend and one Muslim when I went out to work! All were lovely and gave a good account of themselves and their faith. I found that they enriched my own faith!

I will say that; if every Catholic made it their business to live in perfect imitation of Christ; we would find it impossible to be unkind!
I’m not sure that “kindness” can really be broken down by religion. It seems to be much more of a cultural issue, with religion being an accidental feature. Can we really say that an Irish-Catholic and a Nigerian-Catholic are roughly as kind because they are Catholic? That doesn’t make much sense to me.
Oh yes! I must agree with you about this one 🙂
But if you live in a culture/city/place where people are bad and most of them are xxx religion. Then there are few zzz religon followers who are very nice to you while everybody else treat you bad. This will make you think zzz religion followers are kinder and xxx religon followers are just plain mean.
I haven’t noticed one particular religion, but have noticed that people who follow faiths that don’t encourage converting others, and don’t feel the need to constantly explain and defend their own beliefs are the kindest. I guess because they are less defensive.

They don’t feel like they need to judge others and tell them they are wrong.

attraction rather than promotion.

That being said, I have known wonderful people of all faiths (I’ve encountered) and unpleasant people, because in the end people are people. But I do think that certain personalities are drawn to faiths that share their values, and people who choose their own faith…not just stay in the faith they are raised, will likely move to a faith that encourages their best qualities.

People who are unhappy in their own religion seem resentful etc to others.
I haven’t noticed one particular religion, but have noticed that people who follow faiths that don’t encourage converting others, and don’t feel the need to constantly explain and defend their own beliefs are the kindest. I guess because they are less defensive.

They don’t feel like they need to judge others and tell them they are wrong.

attraction rather than promotion.
I think you pretty much nailed it. Many of the mystical branches of religions fit your description. If I were to choose the kindest from my experience it would be Sufism.

The Wisdom of Sufism
I can hardly think of two people more kind than St. Francis and Mother Teresa.

I suppose they are out there, but I haven’t found them.

Oh yeah, they preached more by example than by words. 👍
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