Polyamory' Is a Modern Name for a Backwards Practice

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Polyamory’ Is a Modern Name for a Backwards Practice
Hey everyone, a relic of barbarism is making a comeback! If the reference is lost on you, I am referring to an expression from the mid-1800s, when the Republican party was established to replace the Whigs on the platform of eradicating what party leaders such as Abraham Lincoln coined “the twin relics of barbarism.” The first of those relics was polygamy, seen as a system that was fundamentally oppressive to one of the two sexes: women. Bigamy was formally abolished under the Lincoln’s presidency.
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Not that I support the practice, as I agree that it’s damaging, particularly to the “third partner”, whomever that invariably ends up being, as someone is always the third wheel in a truly committed relationship.

But that said I don’t necessarily agree that it’s the same as traditional polygamy where men take advantage of multiple women. One of the most openly polyamorous persons I know was actually a woman who had two men (her legal husband and her boyfriend (whom she wanted a baby with)). The boyfriend was a friend of mine, and he eventually realized there was no future in being in such a relationship with a married woman and he got out. Oddly enough, he wasn’t the “third wheel,” rather her legal husband was the one who was largely ignored in the relationship. Point being however, society may have glommed on to the old polygamy stereotype that men have multiple women, but in my personal experience with this woman and a couple of others whom I’m third degree acquaintances with… it’s actually more women than men driving it and being the “lynchpin” party in the relationships.
Then they aren’t Catholics.
Take care not to commit the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy.

They may be egregious sinners and have a reserved tent in Purgatory, but if they were validly baptized, they are Catholic.

Take care not to commit the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy.

They may be egregious sinners and have a reserved tent in Purgatory, but if they were validly baptized, they are Catholic.

If they are baptised & confirmed Catholic, and engaging in sexual activity outside of a Sacramental Marriage, purgatory has nothing to do with it since mortal sin precludes one from heaven, and all those in purgatory will eventually make it to heaven. Death in a state of unconfessed mortal sin means a wilful rejection of God’s love, and we know where that leads to…

If Catholics really are engaging in this kind of behaviour they are in enormous danger: not something for us to joke about or turn a blind eye to.
If they are baptised & confirmed Catholic, and engaging in sexual activity outside of a Sacramental Marriage, purgatory has nothing to do with it since mortal sin precludes one from heaven, and all those in purgatory will eventually make it to heaven. Death in a state of unconfessed mortal sin means a wilful rejection of God’s love, and we know where that leads to…

If Catholics really are engaging in this kind of behaviour they are in enormous danger: not something for us to joke about or turn a blind eye to.
I wasn’t joking and apologize if I came across as such.

I do believe that almost everybody will get Purgatory, that the shock of death will produce a surprising number of final repentances.

I was just responding to the remark that “oh, someone who would sin so egregiously is not a Catholic.” Yes they are, if baptized. There may even be (GASP!). Catholics in Hell, for which we should grieve.

I know quite few Catholics who are polyamorous. And they do have “brother husbands”. 👍
Thank you for the feedback.

As a person who has firsthand knowledge of polyamorous relationships, do you see any redeeming factors for polygamorous relationships?
Some people are able to get attached with a partner for only a period of time because of their nature. They naturally get interested to others.
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