Poor Friars: Understanding Gods will through the Rosary

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Peace and Good you who are seeking God’s full Will in your life!
Here for your greater understanding of “How God Speaks” - The Meditated Rosary with the Poor Friars and Poor Nuns:
(As Friar Volantino teaches the Rosary in these three clear steps)
  • with the Word of God
  • with the Teachings of the Catholic Church
  • with with Meditations of the Poor Friars Community
click on this image here to hear them:

All is then concluded with a personal meditation to help link all these steps together into a reflection that
helps one understand better God’s will and How to put it into practice.
Peace and Good you who are seeking God’s full Will in your life!
Here for your greater understanding of “How God Speaks” - The Meditated Rosary with the Poor Friars and Poor Nuns:
(As Friar Volantino teaches the Rosary in these three clear steps)
  • with the Word of God
  • with the Teachings of the Catholic Church
  • with with Meditations of the Poor Friars Community
click on this image here to hear them:

All is then concluded with a personal meditation to help link all these steps together into a reflection that
helps one understand better God’s will and How to put it into practice.
Much prayer is what this world needs! Thank you for posting that.
I’ll take that as a “no”.
Peace and Good dear “Friardchips”!
Please forgive me for the delay!.. I am sorry that you felt that my delay was my way of saying no… though, we have a prophet in our midst!.. you are correct, we don’t have a community in England. We are in three Italian Diocese: Noto (Sicily), Tempio Ampurias (Sardinia) & Cremona (Northern Italy) - with Academic student house in Rome. - and our only English speaking community is in Louisiana, in the United Sates of America in the Diocese of Houma Thibodaux (LA)

Our Italian Communities also speak English, but not as fluently as here in the States. If Someone feel called to our community, after an initial internet/email/webcam dialogue, if deemed appropriate, they can even go to one of our Italian communities to visit for a week or so whilst staying in the convent guest room. From there one can discern if to return for another experience with the final aim of then even coming for a 6 month experience here in the States… it is a process of discernment, but one thing is for sure, with our community, one needs to get used to the idea of traveling!
Peace and Good dear “Friardchips”!
Please forgive me for the delay!.. I am sorry that you felt that my delay was my way of saying no… though, we have a prophet in our midst!.. you are correct, we don’t have a community in England. We are in three Italian Diocese: Noto (Sicily), Tempio Ampurias (Sardinia) & Cremona (Northern Italy) - with Academic student house in Rome. - and our only English speaking community is in Louisiana, in the United Sates of America in the Diocese of Houma Thibodaux (LA)

Our Italian Communities also speak English, but not as fluently as here in the States. If Someone feel called to our community, after an initial internet/email/webcam dialogue, if deemed appropriate, they can even go to one of our Italian communities to visit for a week or so whilst staying in the convent guest room. From there one can discern if to return for another experience with the final aim of then even coming for a 6 month experience here in the States… it is a process of discernment, but one thing is for sure, with our community, one needs to get used to the idea of traveling!
Sorry. I was being impatient. 😊 And I am no prophet for I had read about the start of your Order in the States! I think it was quite recent? If this is correct, then congratulations! (So my guess was a researched one, after all! 😃 ). But I suppose it didn’t hurt to ask if you had friars in the U.K. as I was not 100% although I had guessed the answer. Was this Order of Poor Friars already established in Italy some time ago? Because the Order has a name which sounds as if it has been in progress for a long time.

Many thanks for your time and for your generously detailed response regarding locations.

  • (…)
    Many thanks for your time and for your generously detailed response regarding locations.
Peace and Good again “friardchips”!
Our community is about 15 years in existence. We are a new community which has been Recognized by the Catholic Church at a Diocesan level, as Public Association in anticipation of becoming an Institute of Consecrated Life with an Episcopal Decree of the 30th of May 2014. I met the founder in the first 6 months of the community’s birth and am happy to say that with the grace of God, we are growing and don’t have a lack of vocations.

We have uploaded more Meditated Rosary recordings in these last few days.
We hope you enjoy them!
Peace and Good again “friardchips”!
Our community is about 15 years in existence. We are a new community which has been Recognized by the Catholic Church at a Diocesan level, as Public Association in anticipation of becoming an Institute of Consecrated Life with an Episcopal Decree of the 30th of May 2014. I met the founder in the first 6 months of the community’s birth and am happy to say that with the grace of God, we are growing and don’t have a lack of vocations.

We have uploaded more Meditated Rosary recordings in these last few days.
We hope you enjoy them!
Dear Poor Friars, I am happy to hear of the growth of your Order, which evidently seeks not to live with the “spirit of the world” but instead strives to live in and for the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for the link to the meditations!

Best wishes to you all,


Dear Poor Friars, I am happy to hear of the growth of your Order, which evidently seeks not to live with the “spirit of the world” but instead strives to live in and for the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the link to the meditations! Best wishes to you all,
With the Grace of God and our good will… we are trying!
Peace and Good!
Dear Poor Friar,sorry for posting now i know this thread is very old am just coming accross it.

Other than what i have seen on your site,i wish to ask some further questions:
  1. How many times do u pray the Offices(Do you include the minor hours of Terce and Sext and None) ?
2)Do you wear the habit at all times even at work and recreations?

3)Do have any nocturnal prayer like Matins now Office of Readings?

4,5&6) And finally, what is the life like; forms of communal penitential activities,keeping of Tonsure etc
Pls more importantly,some of the sisters use baggy trousers,I taught traditionally trousers are not meant for women especially when Rligious are in question?

I await your response Good brother!

Peace and Good!
In Corde Matris!!
Ave Maria!!!
Peace and Good!
Dear Poor Friar,sorry for posting now i know this thread is very old am just coming accross it.
Other than what i have seen on your site,i wish to ask some further questions:
  1. How many times do u pray the Offices(Do you include the minor hours of Terce and Sext and None) ?
  2. Do you wear the habit at all times even at work and recreations?
  3. Do have any nocturnal prayer like Matins now Office of Readings?
    4,5&6) And finally, what is the life like; forms of communal penitential activities,keeping of Tonsure etc
    Pls more importantly,some of the sisters use baggy trousers,I taught traditionally trousers are not meant for women especially when Rligious are in question?
    I await your response Good brother!
    Peace and Good!
    In Corde Matris!!
    Ave Maria!!!
Peace and good “Chryso”,
Great to hear back from you again, and sorry for the late reply.
To answer your questions:

1) After our morning hour of silence we pray the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. At midday we pray Midday prayer with all three readings, Third, Sixth and Ninth hour. We pray night prayer, and Compline is done to one’s personal choice in private.
2) We ware our habits at all times.
3) Explained above
4) Life is good, very good.
5) Our hitchhiking is our main communal penance, that is, renouncing all securities to preach the Gospel… Not knowing where you will sleep, what you will eat, and who will help you. Renouncing all family and friends to go out to the world without a personal possession all for the salvation of souls, in obedience, poverty and chastity are great enough renunciations for us, we don’t need to be burdening ourselves with more things to make our life more difficult.
6) It’s not a tonsure, but a “crown” reminding us of our Lords Crown of thorns that were pierced his mind like the many offences to our intelligence. We are reminded not to retaliate in the same way to those who give us thorns in the hope that the offenders will convert and turn to God.
7) If you look closely you will notice that NOT ALL of our sisters ware baggy pants. You will then notice that also some of our brothers ware baggy pants… this may lead you to ask why… then you may notice that this distinguishes someone from having a 6 month experience to those who are in there postulancy from those who are in their novitiate, to those who are fully professed. It is not wise to put a person directly into a habit as they may not be made for it and may leave the community; hence leaving somewhat a difficult situation for the person in experience and our community under unhealthy criticism and scrutiny from the public. It is a healthy and smooth transition to work oneself into the lifestyle and habit. All our professed members from novitiate up ware the habit without exception.

I hope this helps you! For more information see the website we use: www.poofriars.net
Best wishes of Holiness,
Friar Antonio.
Dear Poor Friars,

After the Rosary sessions with your Poor Friars - thanks to the links you generously posted some time ago - I wondered whether the singing of the Rosary had any link to St. Augustine of Hippo, who said that singing prayers is so much more powerful, more weighty, than saying the words; then, recently, I was reading St. Louis De Montfort’s 'True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin’, and in this book, he mentions the importance of singing the Rosary, and this made me wonder whether it was because of this saint’s holy insights that the Poor Friars pray the Rosary in song - is this the case, please?


Dear Poor Friars,

After the Rosary sessions with your Poor Friars - thanks to the links you generously posted some time ago - I wondered whether the singing of the Rosary had any link to St. Augustine of Hippo, who said that singing prayers is so much more powerful, more weighty, than saying the words; then, recently, I was reading St. Louis De Montfort’s 'True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin’, and in this book, he mentions the importance of singing the Rosary, and this made me wonder whether it was because of this saint’s holy insights that the Poor Friars pray the Rosary in song - is this the case, please?


Rosary wasn’t invented until the 1200’s–about a 1000 years after St Augustine. 🙂
Rosary wasn’t invented until the 1200’s–about a 1000 years after St Augustine. 🙂
😃 Sorry, this is not what I meant. I worded it very confusingly…

What I did mean: after having initially thought the Poor Friars could have been inspired by St. Augustine’s exclamation - the singing of prayers being a higher form of prayer than spoken prayers i.e - the “link”, being the Poor Friars singing the Rosary and St. Augustine saying that sung prayer was superior to spoken prayer - I then picked up St. Louis’ book once more, and in it I read about the need for the Rosary to be sung, and from reading this wondered if it were true that the Poor Friars were actually inspired by St. Louis’ insights, to sing the Rosary?!

Maybe I have not explained myself well again…:o Nevermind.
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