Poorly disguised boasting?

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I’m curious about the proliferation of topics in which the poster announces that he or she performs such-and-such pious action or habit, and then asks all of us what we think about it. ie. “I pray this many times a day, I lower my head when I see liturgical abuses, I wear a mantilla,” etc.

Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with any of these practices. Why, then, create a post announcing your habit? Do you really want feedback or do you want us all to know that you are, for all appearances, a very holy person? If you believe that what you’re doing is right, then keep doing it; no one’s opinions should stop you. If you believe it might be ostentatious or uncharitable, then don’t do it. Regardless, if it’s not an obvious ethical matter, then it’s simply between you and God and it doesn’t require, to paraphrase the Gospels, a trumpet announcement in the streets.

Some topics are just “curiosity” polls and some involve real discussions where a question of moral conduct is debated, and I don’t refer to either of these. But quite a few topics are formulated in a way that doesn’t invite discussion at all, but seems to involve mere spiritual boasting.

Please believe I intend to attack no one. Really. And I don’t mean to appoint myself supervisor of post-appropriateness. But I’m just so puzzled by these topics. Any thoughts? Have I misunderstood them completely? :confused:
God alone knows intentions. I can only speak for myself. When I write questions that refer todevotions or problems I have with attitudes towards praying, which as I mentioned recently (that lately that my affinity for inspirational prayers that I discover may translate to suffering form a type of spiritual gluttony, that is not a virtue as written about by Thoams Merton in his Seven-Story Mountain), that I honselty and simply am seeking the advice of others on this forums to guide me.

I think that most, if not all people, posting similar questions would be in this same boat. Never did it dawn on me when asking such a question (and thank you for those who responded, particualrly the part about mental prayer), that some one would read the query as me bragging about praying lots.

Forgive me for being a coward, and it is somehting that I am trying to work on, but I am histant to ask questions of religion and faith form people I only know form work or friends. I worry that such topics may make them feel uncomfortable, and I believe that to a certain extent that religion is a private issue. If I know that some on is seeking advice in this arena, or approaches me with a question or starts such a topic, I will not shy away form it. But where I live now, I am constantly bombarded with peopel telling me I will be going to hell for not going to their church, and I don’t appreciate that attitude and don’t want to be one to give it to others. Not to mention that I also don’t meet many Catholics with whom I can discuss such questions, and I value the (name removed by moderator)ut of those who are Catholics more because they are part of the Church.
I’ve often wondered about that myself. I’m sure there are people who are going to get tendonitis from patting themselves on the back.
I’m curious about the proliferation of topics in which the poster announces that he or she performs such-and-such pious action or habit, and then asks all of us what we think about it. ie. “I pray this many times a day, I lower my head when I see liturgical abuses, I wear a mantilla,” etc.
Maybe you have misunderstood the intent of the thread? I think at times people submitting the threads are really looking for help, improvements, opinions as to whether their devotions are correct or can be improved upon. There are many pious people here who can help us shorten our trials based on their own personal journeys.

If I can learn from someone instead of go round the mountain one more time, then I am hoping I will listen to wisdom of one who’s already been there - done that.

If I were to start a thread - How many times can I recieve the Eucharist daily? You may construe me to be boastful saying I go to mass more than once daily - look at me, I’m so pious. But actually, I really am searching for the answer. Maybe I am asking because I will be in that situation soon. It’s as simple as attending a wedding on a Sunday Afternoon - after you already attended mass.

Try not to judge the intent of the person asking the question. The threads are soooo very small that one cannot possibly give all the details and explain completely.
I’ve often wondered about that myself. I’m sure there are people who are going to get tendonitis from patting themselves on the back.
He he, 😃
I’m sure no one on these holy forums has ever been guilty of pride… :rolleyes: Impossible!!!

Did I ever tell you guys about my humble piety lately??? I’ve really been working on my humilty and it’s paying off!!! 👍
Dear friend

I would hope to see the good in all people and therefore I am seeing the good in you.

I try to not judge so that hopefully I may not be judged and be shown mercy

The habit of finger pointing I have found in life, would be better pointed to oneself than to another.

People ask questions here because they want opinion, support, fellowship and the Catholic Answers.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

It just so happens that I am different and special. Not only am I especially humble, but I am extremely charitable, more so than others. I would never accuse anyone of boasting!!! :getholy: :getholy: :getholy:
Dear friends

I think I’ll boast on Whitedove’s behalf and say her posts are THE most humourous!!!:rotfl:

God Bless you Whitedove and much love and peace to you

I’m curious about the proliferation of topics in which the poster announces that he or she performs such-and-such pious action or habit, and then asks all of us what we think about it… Why, then, create a post announcing your habit? Do you really want feedback or do you want us all to know that you are, for all appearances, a very holy person? … it’s simply between you and God and it doesn’t require, to paraphrase the Gospels, a trumpet announcement in the streets.,I’m just so puzzled by these topics. Any thoughts? Have I misunderstood them completely? :confused:
I think people post this type of question because they want to know what other Catholics of similar mindset think and to share their ideas with others anonymously. I guess I never really thought about this forum as spiritual boasting, (although maybe I should check my motives.)

I don’t want the rest of you to know who I am. I really don’t want to know who you are. But I like knowing that there are lots of other Catholics out there who share my respect for the Magesterium. I like believing that perhaps the pews are filled with us. I like reading about your faith journeys and sharing mine without worrying about what you think about me. I like reading ideas about putting faith into practice and what works for others.

I suspect that many of the people who post the “what do you think…” type questions are wondering if they’re the only person who does the stuff they do. For example, I for one would love to see those beautiful head coverings in church again, but I don’t wear one because I don’t want people to think I’m weird. Maybe the poster just wanted to know if orthodox Catholics think she’s weird.

(By the way WhiteDove, I’m very proud of you for being so humble. You should be proud of yourself for that too 😉 And springbreeze I see you signed with an actual name! I’ll think well of all who share your name, thinking it might be you.)
Dear friends

I think I’ll boast on Whitedove’s behalf and say her posts are THE most humourous!!!:rotfl:

God Bless you Whitedove and much love and peace to you

How sweet of you, Teresa… 🙂 I really appreciate it!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Your posts are really nice and inspiring! 🙂
It just so happens that I am different and special. Not only am I especially humble, but I am extremely charitable, more so than others. I would never accuse anyone of boasting!!! :getholy: :getholy: :getholy:
Hi WhiteDove,👋 do you remember me???:whistle:
Hi WhiteDove,👋 do you remember me???:whistle:
How could I forget??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Just one of the sweetest and most charitable posters on God’s green earth! Hi, Annunciata!!! 👋
How could I forget??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Just one of the sweetest and most charitable posters on God’s green earth! Hi, Annunciata!!! 👋
Yah! The key word is charitable!😉 Rememba?😃
I don’t mind, unless the particular habit, devotion etc. is presented as a litmus test of who is and who is not a “real” Catholic and as a means of labelling people liberal, conservative, dissenting, orthodox etc. Otherwise I figure people are looking for feedback, affirmation, information or clarification.
My habit is…I often walk though the Church door facing in the same direction I am walking.

What do you think of that?
Exporter said:
My habit is…I often walk though the Church door facing in the same direction I am walking.

What do you think of that?

:confused: Enlighten me…

I remember the thread you mentioned above. You expressed your deep feelings and concerns about prayer, and I never felt you were boasting at all. If anything, I sensed only a possibility of scrupulosity, born of fervent zeal, which sometimes forgets discretion and leaps into overkill.

My only prayer is that the Lord guides you into balance and structure with those prayers that are truly inspired by Him. You are a beautiful person!

Sure some of it is honest questions, but when there is no question, and someone keeps mentioning all the wonderful things they do, it is a little suspect.

No real harm, but perhaps we could all be more careful of what we say. When we pray for someone, mentioning a fault or problem, this is far more destructive.
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