Pope Admonishes US Bishops to Teach Laymen to Form Conscience

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This is wonderful!
There is urgent need for a comprehensive catechesis on the lay apostolate which will necessarily highlight the importance of a properly formed conscience, the intrinsic relationship between freedom and moral truth, and the grave duty incumbent upon each Christian to work to renew and perfect the temporal order in accordance with the values of God’s Kingdom. While fully respecting the legitimate separation of Church and State in American life, such a catechesis must also make clear that for the faithful Christian there can be no separation between the faith which is to be believed and put into practice (cf. Lumen Gentium, 25) and a commitment to full and responsible participation in professional, political and cultural life.
People here have been asking for Rome to say something like this, and I’m so glad JPII did!
This is wonderful!

People here have been asking for Rome to say something like this, and I’m so glad JPII did!
But is anybody who counts listening?
This message from the Pope is so very important and I sincerely pray to the Holy Spirit that the Bishops will make religious education a priority. Many people who call themselves Catholic have forgotten that there can be no separation between their faith and their daily lives.

I teach High School Confirmation Classes [past ten years] and sometimes I feel like the Jew in the Old Testament, standing in the desert who screams out to God and rips his cloths in anguish because the people just don’t get it!!!

I teach 10th Graders who will be Confirmed in May 2005. The students were shocked this week when I mentioned that our Priest says Mass seven days a week…they honestly didn’t know this fact. I brought in the Bulletin to show them all that our Priest does for the Parish and what the Parish Community does for them!

Many of the students admitted they don’t attend Church on Sunday. Only one out of eleven has gone to Confession in the past year. The rest have been to confession only once in their lives! I could go on and on !!

I have ten weeks in my section to teach the Sacarments, Liturgy, Worship and Prayers, the class is one hour long.
All I can say about the parents is at least they do bring the students just about every week to class and that gives me the most hope!

What shocks me is that many of the students don’t have any fear of God, or respect for God. In fact I usually have to ask one or two students in each class ,at the beginning of the semester if they are catholic. Some of the ideas they present or even the attitudes they convey are very frustrating to say the least.

We all know there is a clear duty to instruct ,if only more would listen!!! Pray ,pray and pray!!!
I was pleasantly surprised to see the pope throw a bucket of cold water on the American bishops. It’s nice to see that the pope is at least aware we are getting a serious letdown from our bishops. The only problem is that telling a bunch of tenured men to reverse an almost deliberate policy of 30 years of bad catechesis does not seem likely to create change.
It is good the Pope said this, but will the bishops listen? Why does it even need to be said? What have these men been doing all these decades?
It is good the Pope said this, but will the bishops listen? Why does it even need to be said? What have these men been doing all these decades?
Yep–they’ll go their way and wait for him to die. I hope the curia follows him with another conservative–won’t the media go crazy then, eh?
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