Pope Condemns “Hedonism” as Inspiration for Abortion

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Like I have been saying, the Culture of Death is only a small part of the Culture of Perversion. Looks like Pope Benedict has the same thought:
Pope Condemns “Hedonism” as Inspiration for Abortion
By Terry Vanderheyden

VATICAN CITY, February 6, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Pope Benedict XVI, in addresses Sunday, fingered “widespread hedonism” as the source for the lack of respect for human life that underlies abortion in society.
Full Story
I heard him give this talk on EWTN and it was so encouraging. What a joy to hear the Truth.
Check this out. I think this article shows one of the root causes that leads to abortion. And to think that our society with its therapuetic culture has this “woe is me, I’m going to have theurapy because this cross is too hard to carry” attitude. It goes to show if you scream something loud and long enough people will believe it.

Check this out. I think this article shows one of the root causes that leads to abortion. And to think that our society with its therapuetic culture has this “woe is me, I’m going to have theurapy because this cross is too hard to carry” attitude. It goes to show if you scream something loud and long enough people will believe it.

Thanks God for the Pope! I love guys that tell the story on abortion the way that it really is! So tired of people going on and on about this exception and that exception. There is no exception. Abortion is murder for convenience.

Go Pope!

Our selfish, contraceptive society has led to the widespread use of abortion. When we lose sight of the self-sacrifying nature of Christianity (exemplified in our Lord), we start to self-destruct as a society and abortion is the manifestation of that.
“Simplified: one maintains that human life is in the hands of man, the other in the hands of God,” he said. “Modern culture has legitimately emphasized man’s autonomy and earthly reality, in this way developing a perspective dear to the heart of Christianity, that of the Incarnation of God. But, as Vatican II clearly stated, if this leads to the opinion that ‘all things created do not depend on God and that man can adapt them without reference to the creator,’ then, the origins for profound instability are laid.”
He always has the best way to put things so that they are both simple and understandable, and he always tells the truth.

Long live the Papa! Long live Benedict XVI!!

Long vie a Benoit XVI!
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