Pope Dedicates the World to Mary

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Vatican City (AsiaNews) – John Paul II has called for the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin for the “dear people of Iraq”. In the Marian prayer of the Angelus, he expressed his “spiritual closeness” to the Christian faithful when he spoke about yesterday’s attacks against an Armenian Catholic church and the Chaldean Bishop’s Palace in Mosul.

Before the Angelus, the Pope referred to the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, a Marian feast day celebrated today.

Here are the Pope’s remarks ahead of the Marian prayer:
“Tota pulchra es, Maria!

"…This morning as in others, the Pope commended the fate of the world to the protection of the Virgin Mary:

“To You, the Immaculate Virgin,” John Paul II said, “predestined by God above all other beings to be the advocate and model of Grace for His people, today I commend the whole Church. May You guide His children on the pilgrimage of faith and make them more obedient and faithful to the Word of God!”…"

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – John Paul II has called for the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin for the “dear people of Iraq”. In the Marian prayer of the Angelus, he expressed his “spiritual closeness” to the Christian faithful when he spoke about yesterday’s attacks against an Armenian Catholic church and the Chaldean Bishop’s Palace in Mosul.

Before the Angelus, the Pope referred to the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, a Marian feast day celebrated today.

Here are the Pope’s remarks ahead of the Marian prayer:
“Tota pulchra es, Maria!

"…This morning as in others, the Pope commended the fate of the world to the protection of the Virgin Mary:

“To You, the Immaculate Virgin,” John Paul II said, “predestined by God above all other beings to be the advocate and model of Grace for His people, today I commend the whole Church. May You guide His children on the pilgrimage of faith and make them more obedient and faithful to the Word of God!”…"

Hi Hagia Sophia,
" above all other beings" Where is Christ, fully man?
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Hi Hagia Sophia,
" above all other beings" Where is Christ, fully man?
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Christ be with you
walk in love
The Nicene Creed (bold emphasis added)

I believe in one God, Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and of all things, visible and invisible. And in one** Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father**, by whom all things were made: who for us men and for our salvation came, down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin May, and was made man: who was crucified of us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried: who rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is enthroned at the right hand of the Father; who will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; and of whose kingdom there shall be no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father, who together with the Father and the Son is worships and glorified, who spoke through the prophets. In one, holy catholic and apostolic Church. I profess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

As you can see, “begotten, not made”. No error, Christ is not a being as the word is used by the Holy Father in this instance.
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Not at all, Sir. Just as Mary helped bring forth the Son of Man to us, She will bring us to Him.

It is a wonderful thing, and we are blessed to have Her helping us.
Hi Hagia Sophia,
" above all other beings" Where is Christ, fully man?
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Dear friend

‘What makes you think you are right dear friend?’. What makes you think you are right to deny Our Blessed Mother Mary the honour she deserves in her redemptive sacrifice to God of offering herself totally to His will? It has always been the case that if there is no mother, there can be no child, without a human mother, there is no human Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is not a human ‘being’, He does not have a human spirit, He is Divine spirit in human flesh, limited in His life as a human, but Divinity, He is God who bore humanity. The Godman, Mary on the other hand was totally human, born without original sin and though tempted as any of us are, remained sinless all of her life. She is the first Saint. She is what is achieveable for all of us, if we choose as Mary did in her free will , to embrace the will of God. Her will united with God’s was redemptive, and we ourselves become redemptive when we unite our will with God’s.

What makes you think you are right and the Pope, who is the successor of St Peter in Christ’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic church, wrong?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

‘What makes you think you are right dear friend?’. What makes you think you are right to deny Our Blessed Mother Mary the honour she deserves in her redemptive sacrifice to God of offering herself totally to His will? It has always been the case that if there is no mother, there can be no child, without a human mother, there is no human Christ Jesus.

What makes you think you are right and the Pope, who is the successor of St Peter in Christ’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic church, wrong?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Amen! And all generations shall call me Blessed"the most ignored SCRIPTURE since the reformation".God Bless
Hi Hagia Sophia,
" above all other beings" Where is Christ, fully man?
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Edwin, I do not wish to be either rude nor condescending, but this is a Catholic forum. Things here are ordinarily discussed from a Catholic viewpoint. I have no problem with anyone else asking a question, seeking information or stating what they believe which may be different but in all candor, it is really rather rude to come to the forum which is “Catholic” and decide to tell me or anyone else that the pope is in error unless you understand what it is you are talking about. In this case you obviously do not.

Sometimes it ain’t what we do, but how we do it. Capice?
The Angel of the lord appeared before Mary.

And she was conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hi Hagia Sophia,
" above all other beings" Where is Christ, fully man?
Your pope errs, and very seriously.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Hi Edwin, I understand where you are coming from. It also troubles me when ive seen some photos with Mary standing on the Globe with the Cross in the backround. It makes it look like she is on the Cross. Yes Mary is blessed and we are to honor her for who she is,but lets not loose the focus which is Jesus. Sometimes nothing said brings more Glory to Jesus than pointing fingers. God Bless Brother.
Hi Edwin, I understand where you are coming from. It also troubles me when ive seen some photos with Mary standing on the Globe with the Cross in the backround. It makes it look like she is on the Cross. Yes Mary is blessed and we are to honor her for who she is,but lets not loose the focus which is Jesus. Sometimes nothing said brings more Glory to Jesus than pointing fingers. God Bless Brother.
“There is but one Mediator as we know from the words of the apostle, “for there is one God and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a redemption for all”. The maternal duty of Mary toward men in no wise obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows His power. For all the salvific influence of the Blessed Virgin on men originates, not from some inner necessity, but from the divine pleasure. It flows forth from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rests on His mediation, depends entirely on it and draws all its power from it.” (Lumen Gentium, Vatican II, 60)
Sarah Jane said:
“There is but one Mediator as we know from the words of the apostle, “for there is one God and one mediator of God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a redemption for all”. The maternal duty of Mary toward men in no wise obscures or diminishes this unique mediation of Christ, but rather shows His power. For all the salvific influence of the Blessed Virgin on men originates, not from some inner necessity, but from the divine pleasure. It flows forth from the superabundance of the merits of Christ, rests on His mediation, depends entirely on it and draws all its power from it.” (Lumen Gentium, Vatican II, 60)

Hi Sara, Yes one mediator,many vessels who point the way. 👍 God Bless.
Hi Edwin, I understand where you are coming from. It also troubles me when ive seen some photos with Mary standing on the Globe with the Cross in the backround. It makes it look like she is on the Cross. Yes Mary is blessed and we are to honor her for who she is,but lets not loose the focus which is Jesus. Sometimes nothing said brings more Glory to Jesus than pointing fingers. God Bless Brother.
What a pictures looks like is not relevant! It is people that choose to believe honoring Mary is somehow taking away from Jesus.She always points to her Son and Our Lord. So people need to appreciate gifts from God, one being His Mother! It gets me so bothered that one of Gods commandments to honor your mother and father is valid for all mothers except for Our Lords, go figure. Jesus does not have an inferiority complex. I have yet to meet anyone that worships Mary,but I meet alot of people who appreciate her faithfulness and look to her actions on how to be a good disciple.God Bless
Dear friend

How is Mary Our Blessed Mother not a mediator? She mediated for all humanity in her obedience of God our Father’s will, in this she gave of her flesh to God for His Son to take her flesh, her humanity and become in her, through her and by her , human. How was she not mediating? She was created for all eternity to fulfill this. She was pre-ordained. She was given to God’s service from birth and was in the temple from the age of 3. Her mother St Anne was barren and prayed for a child and promised God that if she was granted a child the child would serve God all of their days. God granted St Anne Mary on this agreement. She was betrothed to Joseph on the understanding that she would not be a wife in the full sense of a wife, but for him to look after her while she continued service in the temple. Little did everyone know that she would be the mother of the Messiah.

Her motherhood echoes the Eucharist for all humanity, in that in her she internally had God dwell within her. She is in this if examined more closely significant of all of the church and it’s body. Jesus Christ is God…He is God …in the flesh…Mary was the first breath of the church, the first believer, the first Christian , the first footsteps of obedience to God, that of like never seen before in all of history. Her mediatory power is immense. She is the first Saint by which, God was born as man. She is a lesson to all parents that we should all consecrate our children to God and to His service and indeed ourselves.

She is the fully human mediator to the Godman, Christ Jesus and He is the mediator to the Truine God, to deny the route by which God became man …Mary…is to deny our own logical path back to God from this life. Through her He came to be human and through her we may be shown the fruit of her womb, which is Jesus fully man and fully God

No-one can worship that which is not God. No-one is asked to worship Mary, but to see her role as Co-Mediatrix is purely logical, she mediated for all humanity, when she bore God in her womb and in her sinless soul free of all sin, including original sin, created without any sin, she accepted the will of God. She mediated for all eternity, from age to age and down the ages. She is the Mother of all generations. She was created the Mother of God, to be the Mother of God, to be the Mother of the church and of all humanity. The new Eve. Mary is the light by which the Light of the World was born.

To deny Mary is to deny Christ’s humanity, we concentrate so much on His Divinity, not daring in our own hearts to ponder that God indeed became man, this is so wonderous in itself!!! Of all humanity she was the chosen one to be the mother of God, she is blessed and beautiful above any.

Mary mediator for humanity in your Motherhood, Mother of perpetual succour and light…pray for us.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

How is Mary Our Blessed Mother not a mediator? She mediated for all humanity in her obedience of God our Father’s will, in this she gave of her flesh to God for His Son to take her flesh, her humanity and become in her, through her and by her , human. How was she not mediating? She was created for all eternity to fulfill this. She was pre-ordained. She was given to God’s service from birth and was in the temple from the age of 3. Her mother St Anne was barren and prayed for a child and promised God that if she was granted a child the child would serve God all of their days. God granted St Anne Mary on this agreement. She was betrothed to Joseph on the understanding that she would not be a wife in the full sense of a wife, but for him to look after her while she continued service in the temple. Little did everyone know that she would be the mother of the Messiah.

Her motherhood echoes the Eucharist for all humanity, in that in her she internally had God dwell within her. She is in this if examined more closely significant of all of the church and it’s body. Jesus Christ is God…He is God …in the flesh…Mary was the first breath of the church, the first believer, the first Christian , the first footsteps of obedience to God, that of like never seen before in all of history. Her mediatory power is immense. She is the first Saint by which, God was born as man. She is a lesson to all parents that we should all consecrate our children to God and to His service and indeed ourselves.

She is the fully human mediator to the Godman, Christ Jesus and He is the mediator to the Truine God, to deny the route by which God became man …Mary…is to deny our own logical path back to God from this life. Through her He came to be human and through her we may be shown the fruit of her womb, which is Jesus fully man and fully God

No-one can worship that which is not God. No-one is asked to worship Mary, but to see her role as Co-Mediatrix is purely logical, she mediated for all humanity, when she bore God in her womb and in her sinless soul free of all sin, including original sin, created without any sin, she accepted the will of God. She mediated for all eternity, from age to age and down the ages. She is the Mother of all generations. She was created the Mother of God, to be the Mother of God, to be the Mother of the church and of all humanity. The new Eve. Mary is the light by which the Light of the World was born.

To deny Mary is to deny Christ’s humanity, we concentrate so much on His Divinity, not daring in our own hearts to ponder that God indeed became man, this is so wonderous in itself!!! Of all humanity she was the chosen one to be the mother of God, she is blessed and beautiful above any.

Mary mediator for humanity in your Motherhood, Mother of perpetual succour and light…pray for us.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

True,Mary is a mediator and so is every christian that leads one towards Christ. God Bless.
True,Mary is a mediator and so is every christian that leads one towards Christ. God Bless.
When you give birth to the second person of the Blessed Trinity then I will here this argument:p :blessyou:
When you give birth to the second person of the Blessed Trinity then I will here this argument:p :blessyou:
Dear Lisa

:rotfl: Lovely, nicely worded !!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

When you give birth to the second person of the Blessed Trinity then I will here this argument:p :blessyou:
Okay ,Are you ready to HEAR? 😃 I have Jesus Christ living and dwelling in me. Its a New Birth. I am a new creation in Christ. 👍 God Bless.
Does he care about just the Catholics in Iraq or everyone inlcuding Muslims?
Vatican City (AsiaNews) – John Paul II has called for the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin for the “dear people of Iraq”. In the Marian prayer of the Angelus, he expressed his “spiritual closeness” to the Christian faithful when he spoke about yesterday’s attacks against an Armenian Catholic church and the Chaldean Bishop’s Palace in Mosul.

Before the Angelus, the Pope referred to the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, a Marian feast day celebrated today.

Here are the Pope’s remarks ahead of the Marian prayer:
“Tota pulchra es, Maria!

"…This morning as in others, the Pope commended the fate of the world to the protection of the Virgin Mary:

“To You, the Immaculate Virgin,” John Paul II said, “predestined by God above all other beings to be the advocate and model of Grace for His people, today I commend the whole Church. May You guide His children on the pilgrimage of faith and make them more obedient and faithful to the Word of God!”…"

This is great but when is he in UNION with all the Bishops of the world going to specifically consecrate Russia, and only Russia as Our Lady asked for in Fatima?? I love the Holy Father though, and he is wonderful.
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