Pope Encourages Youth to Evangelize Hometowns

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VATICAN CITY, OCT. 7, 2007 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI encouraged young people to be missionaries on the streets and in the neighborhoods of their own cities.

At the end of the recital of the midday Angelus today, the Pope greeted 500 young missionaries who, from Sept. 28 to Oct. 7, participated in the 4th mission of Rome called “Jesus at the Center.”

“I congratulate you, dear friends, because you have brought the proclamation of God’s love to the streets and to some hospitals and schools of the city,” said the Pontiff.

“The missionary experience is part of Christian formation and it is important for adolescents and young people to be able to live it personally,” he added.

The Holy Father concluded, “Continue to witness to the Gospel every day and commit yourselves generously in the next missionary initiatives in the Diocese of Rome.”

Hi everyone.

Yep, apparently our Pope wants us to evengelize.

I say “us” because I’m only 17. And although I love my faith with all my heart, I can honestly say I don’t know how to evangelize. I’ve thought about sharing my faith with others, but how?

I think this is very difficult for a lot of people my age- even for those who are more devout Catholics than me. And (like I said), although I love my faith, I havent been confirmed yet or not even in the process 😦 (It has to do with me leaving for College in a few months, thus not being able to continously attend CCD for two years, but thats a whole different story).

I’d really like to share my faith, but how would someone like me do it? How do you introduce people to the topic? How do you keep them interested?

Thanks & God bless :angel1:
Maybe you could organize some kind of event- a play or something- and get your Catholic friends to invite other friends. And at the end have some kind of message or (name removed by moderator)ut. Tracts are a good idea. For me, I really want to do stuff within our parish youth- very few know much about the Church teachings or have had a personal experience of Jesus. We’ve started a youth wing of our Catholic Charismatic community… a small start, but still.

But from all the advice I’ve got from holy people, the FIRST step is to pray! :gopray:
I’m sure Jesus has a specific plan for you- ask Him to show you where to go and who to talk to. Tell him you want to be a labourer in His vineyard. Doors will open.
That’s what I’m doing now. I’m planning to leave my job in a few months, and am asking Him where He wants to use me.
The pope is talking about putting your faith into action via servitude to those in need. He doesn’t necessarily mean go out into the streets to preach to the poor, the sick, the aged and the hungry or to even hit the pavements spreading the gospel through speeches and posters.

Catholics evangelize first and foremost in how we represent Christ in our every action, thought, word.

Youth, generally, is very self-centered. He is calling on youth to step away from themselves to assist those on the street, the hungry, the poor, the sick, the elderly. Work in a food pantry, visit people in a hospital, volunteer at a homeless shelter. Then when you’re there, be as Christlike as you possibly can to those you encounter. Comfort, listen, laugh, love. This is evangelizing.
start from home and the people close to you; family, close friends. It’ll be easier and it’s what u should do if you could.

Not trying to be mean, but do u hear a story about a doctor who cures so many ‘strangers’ but his wife died of cancer?

Nowadays, evangelisation = telling strangers about our faith, but what we need now it to re-evangelise our fellow Catholics. It’s better to have a few Catholics who know about their faith than many who just follow the crowd and become lukewarm after some time.

And definitely prayer is important, you need to discern what God wants you to do. 🙂 I’m 22 this year.

God bless,
We do more by our actions than we do with words. Don’t stand on the streetcorner and tell people the end of the world is near if they don’t repent.
“You cannot give what you do not have.” - Mother Teresa


*“Go out and preach the Gospel, when necessary use words.” - St. Francis. *

Live out the Gospel in your actions.

“Long face, rough manner, ridiculous appearance, unfriendly attitude. Is that how you hope to inspire others to follow Christ?” - St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, #661


When the opprotunity presents itself invite your friends and youth that you meet to Mass, Adoration, Confession, youth group, retreats, conferances etc. If time permits, try to spend some time at a soup kitchen every week, a nursing home, etc. I remember when I went to school that many people came to me and asked me to pray for their grandparents, relatives, friends, themselves, etc. Our friends are so desperate and when they see someone who is trying to please Jesus and live the Gospel… they just kind of come to you. You do not have to seek them out all the time. Live the Gospel. By doing that you are Evangelizing. God bless you!
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