Text from page: en.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/05/08/pope_francis:_the_church_should_bestow_the_grace_of_god_not/en1-797492 of the Vatican Radio website“You can’t evangelize without dialogue. It’s impossible. Because you must begin from where the person who is to evangelized comes from. And this is so important. ‘But father, we waste so much time because every person has his or her own story, he or she comes with their own ideas…’ And, time is wasted. More time than God wasted when he created the world and He did it well. Dialogue. Spend time with that person because that person is who God wants you to evangelize, it’s more important to give him or her the news about Jesus. But according to who he or she is, not how it should be: how he or she is right now.”
I think I will be pondering this one for a while, especially that last sentence. It takes patience at the onset - listening attentively. For me, that’s difficult, because I’m one of those who get so excited about helping that I interrupt, complete their sentences so I can springboard off that point. I’m learning, though, through prayer, and patience, that when I hold my tongue there really IS more to the point the other was trying to make. Pope Francis is wise, indeed.