Blessed news from Our Holy Father Francis
ROME (AP) — “Pope Francis has paid tribute to what he calls the “unknown saints” — those who flee war, hunger and poverty, the jobless and the homeless”.
see link below
I love our Pope. From his sermon…
****“and they live in tents, they feel the cold, without medicine, hungry … because the “god-man” has taken control of Creation, of all that good that God has done for us. But who pays for this party? They do! The young, the poor, those who are discarded. And this is not ancient history: it is happening today. ‘But Father, it is far away …’ - It’s here too! Everywhere. It is happening today. I will say more: it seems that these people, these children who are hungry, sick, do not seem to count, it’s as if they were of a different species, as if they were not even human. And this multitude is before God and begs, 'Please, salvation! Please, peace! Please bread! Please work! Please, children and grandparents! Please, young people with the dignity of being able to work! '”.
Among these are also those who are persecuted for their faith, those “robed in white” in the passage from Revelation: “‘They are the ones who come from great distress, and their robes are made white by the blood of the Lamb.’” “And today, without exaggeration, today on the Feast of All Saints I would like us to think of all these, the unknown saints. Sinners like us, worse off than us, destroyed. Of this multitude of people who are in great distress: most of the world is in distress. And the Lord sanctifies this people, sinners like us, but He sanctifies these people in distress”. ****
Amen Pope Francis.
Mark 10:21-22. Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.