In the apostolic exhortation Christifidelis Laici, Pope John Paul II states:*[W]omen have the task of assuring the moral dimension of culture, the dimension, namely of a culture worthy of the person, of an individual yet social life. … “It is not good for man to be alone: let us make him a helper fit for him” (Gen 2:18). God entrusted the human being to woman. Certainly, every human being is entrusted to each and every other human being, but in a special way the human being is entrusted to woman, precisely because the woman in virtue of her special experience of motherhood is seen to have a specific sensitivity towards the human person and all that constitutes the individual’s true welfare, beginning with the fundamental value of life. How great are the possibilities and responsibilities of woman in this area, at a time when the development of science and technology is not always inspired and measured by true wisdom, with the inevitable risk of “de-humanizing” human life, above all when it would demand a more intense love and a more generous acceptance.*I would say there is a certain strength when the voice of women defend life and human dignity. What thoughts are invoked in your mind at this passage?