Pope & the Eucharistic Year

  • Thread starter Thread starter HagiaSophia
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“I very much hope that the Year of the Eucharist, which will begin on October 10 with the opening of the International Eucharistic Congress, will constitute a providential occasion to understand more profoundly the central importance of the Eucharistic sacrament in the life and activity of each local Church,” he said. The congress will open in Guadalajara, Mexico.

“Bonds of fraternal charity are reinforced around the altar and the awareness is revived in all believers of belonging to the one people of God, of which the bishops are pastors,” the Pope added.

John Paul II reminded the prelates of their duty "to watch over the celebration of the sacraments and worship in general, and that the desire of the faithful be respected to participate in worthy celebrations where nothing is improvised."

Code: ZE04091705
Date: 2004-09-17
Pope Tells of Hopes for Eucharistic Year
I do not understand the attempt to incorporate the Eucharist into the social commemorative concept of the “Year” devoted to something. I think the Eucharist is too large to be shoe-horned into a ‘year of recognition’. It sounds like mimicking what the world does in trying to commemorate this or that by dedicating a ‘year’ to it. Have previous popes done this? It is true that the months of the year are dedicated to various aspects of the Faith. For example, June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart (*). I don’t understand one-time transient dedications like this: it seems gimmicky to me. The months and days recur, and are different dedications.

By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. Jn 13:35
I’m thinking this is a call to Adoration and for deeper reflection of His awesome presence in the Eucharist…something that many may need to be reminded of…:twocents:
HagiaSophia said:

John Paul II reminded the prelates of their duty "to watch over the celebration of the sacraments and worship in general, and that the desire of the faithful be respected to participate in worthy celebrations where nothing is improvised."

Code: ZE04091705
Date: 2004-09-17
Pope Tells of Hopes for Eucharistic Year

This is great, I am glad you posted it because I have not heard this yet.
Hopefully the world will be more focused on the Eucharist.
I do not understand the attempt to incorporate the Eucharist into the social commemorative concept of the “Year” devoted to something. I think the Eucharist is too large to be shoe-horned into a ‘year of recognition’. It sounds like mimicking what the world does in trying to commemorate this or that by dedicating a ‘year’ to it.

By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. Jn 13:35
It is such a wonderful reminder for people to keep their focus on what the Pope does chose to offer the year for.
When it was families, more people did something to help build their families.
Maybe this will be a great wake up for those who are not already focusing their attention on the Eucharist.
This is great, I am glad you posted it because I have not heard this yet.
Hopefully the world will be more focused on the Eucharist.

The Pope apparently hopes for many good things from it:

At his public audience on Sunday, June 13, Pope John Paul II said that his proclamation of a special Year of the Eucharist for 2004- 2005 is part of his overall project for the new millennium, to “start out with Christ.”

The Holy Father recalled that in his apostolic letter welcoming the third Christian millennium, Novo Millenio Ineunte , he encouraged the faithful to contemplate the face of Christ. In that spirit, he entrusted the Year of the Eucharist to the Virgin Mary, “who, during the Year of the Rosary, helped us to contemplate Christ with her glance and her heart.”

“…At that Corpus Christi celebration in Rome, the Holy Father had announced the Year of the Eucharist, to begin with the Eucharistic Congress in Mexico in October 2004 and conclude with the Rome meeting of the Synod of Bishops in October 2005. The Pope has been invited to attend the Eucharistic Congress, which will be held in Guadalajara…”

This is great, I am glad you posted it because I have not heard this yet.
Hopefully the world will be more focused on the Eucharist.

It is such a wonderful reminder for people to keep their focus on what the Pope does chose to offer the year for.
When it was families, more people did something to help build their families.
Maybe this will be a great wake up for those who are not already focusing their attention on the Eucharist.
I’m not sure what the “Year of the Eucharist” will incorporate, but I do know that there are many Catholics who don’t even believe in the Real Presence. Therefore, I think anything that stresses the importance of the Eucharist, and it’s actual meaning will be a tremendous asset.

Maybe as a result we won’t have so many people illicitly presenting themselves for communion while in a state of mortal sin and priests/bishops who believe is wrong to ever deny communion to anyone. Any progress on this problem is welcome. Also, if people really realized what the Eucharist is, we might see a return to the proper posture of kneeling during the Eucharistic Prayer at mass.
Very nice article on the Eucharistic Year from Our Sunday Visitor:

"…From time to time the Vatican designates a particular year for the Church to devote herself especially to celebrating some important aspect of the Catholic faith. Following in this tradition, Pope John Paul II announced a Year of the Eucharist on the feast of Corpus Christi (the Body of Christ) in June 2004.

The year begins with the World Eucharistic Congress, October 10–17, 2004, in Guadalajara, Mexico. It ends with the ordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops held in the Vatican October 2–29, 2005. The theme of the synod is “The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church.”

In this extended celebration, all Catholics are called to honor God’s gift of the Eucharist, to receive it more faithfully, and to reflect more deeply on its meaning in their lives and in the life of the Church…"

I know that when it arrives, i have made a promise to myself to:
  1. Go to Eucharistic Adoration. Something that I think will strengthen my spiritual Life.
  2. Go to confession more often, so that I can recieve the Lord more often.
Those are my goals, I hope I will be able to meet them.
Here is the latest from Rome on it. Fleshes it out more I believe.

The Year of the Eucharist

Anyone have plans for specific ways you will show your devotion for the Eucharist this coming year?
I think that the testimony of believers in the Eucharistic Congresses, in our celebrations, in the silent adoration of our churches are also arguments for those today who do not believe enough in the Eucharist.
Such testimony also helps the believer: “Faith is reinforced by giving it,” John Paul II once wrote.
I know I will spend more time at Adoration hopefully. I would like to promote Adoration more to others also.
Have any of you heard of St. John Bosco’s “boat” dream/prophecy? See the following . . .

kepharocks.org/dreams.html ,

and also

ewtn.com/library/MARY/BOSCODRM.HTM .

I have heard some very level-headed Catholics (seminarians and priests among them) speculating that this prophecy has been fulfilled (or is being fulfilled) in John Paul II viz. his giving the Church the Year of the Rosary and the Luminous Mysteries, and now the Year of the Eucharist; not to mention the other events during his pontificate.

The speculation included the possibility that with the Year of the Eucharist having opened, that is with the “ship” moored to both columns (Jesus in the Eucharist; and Mary, Help of Christians), John Paul II’s reign will come to an end.

What do you think? Has anyone else heard this same speculation?

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
There was a press alert today - Pope John Paul II will be releasing a document on the Year of the Eucharist this coming Friday just before noon Rome time.

From the Bollettino:
Si informano i giornalisti accreditati che venerdì 8 ottobre 2004, alle ore 11.30, nell’Aula Giovanni Paolo II della Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, avrà luogo la Conferenza Stampa di presentazione della “Lettera Apostolica del Santo Padre per l’anno dell’Eucarestia”
The Apostolic Letter is titled Mane Nobiscum Domine (Stay with us, O Lord) - still waiting for the text to be posted.
I just got word that yet another document is due to be released tomorrow (Thursday) - hopefully also in English at the same time!!!. This one is from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and is titled (roughly): “Year of the Eucharist: Suggestions and Proposals”.

It sounds like this one is geared much more toward what to do to celebrate the Year of the Eucharist in practical terms.
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