An article on Jimmy Akin’s website has the following decree in it:
"From a Decree of the Holy Office, August 21, 1901
The Archbishop of Utrecht relates:
‘Many medical doctors in hospitals and elsewhere in cases of necessity are accustomed to baptize infants in their mother’s wombs with water mixed with hydrargyrus bichloratus corrosives (in French: chloride de mercure) [in English: mercuric chloride–ja]. This water is compounded approximately of a solution of one part of this chloretus hydrargicus in a thousand parts of water, and with this solution of water the potion is poisonous. Now the reason why they use this mixture is that the womb of the mother may not be infected with disease.’
Therefore the questions:
I. Is a baptism administered with such water certainly or dubiously valid?
II. Is it permitted to avoid all danger of disease to administer the sacrament of baptism with such water?
III. Is it permitted also to use this water when pure water can be applied without any danger of disease?
The answers are (with the approbation of Leo Xlll):
To I. This will be answered in. II
To II. It is permitted when real danger of disease is present.
To III. No."
In letting the first question to be answered by the second, it is tells us that baptisms in the womb are valid. However, in the canon law of 1914 they are called conditional baptisms because Benedict XV didn’t want to decide the issue. But was it not already decided here by Leo XIII? It seems like an example of a latter Pope rejecting a previous Pope’s decision in favor of speculation on the issue. Am I getting it right here?
"From a Decree of the Holy Office, August 21, 1901
The Archbishop of Utrecht relates:
‘Many medical doctors in hospitals and elsewhere in cases of necessity are accustomed to baptize infants in their mother’s wombs with water mixed with hydrargyrus bichloratus corrosives (in French: chloride de mercure) [in English: mercuric chloride–ja]. This water is compounded approximately of a solution of one part of this chloretus hydrargicus in a thousand parts of water, and with this solution of water the potion is poisonous. Now the reason why they use this mixture is that the womb of the mother may not be infected with disease.’
Therefore the questions:
I. Is a baptism administered with such water certainly or dubiously valid?
II. Is it permitted to avoid all danger of disease to administer the sacrament of baptism with such water?
III. Is it permitted also to use this water when pure water can be applied without any danger of disease?
The answers are (with the approbation of Leo Xlll):
To I. This will be answered in. II
To II. It is permitted when real danger of disease is present.
To III. No."
In letting the first question to be answered by the second, it is tells us that baptisms in the womb are valid. However, in the canon law of 1914 they are called conditional baptisms because Benedict XV didn’t want to decide the issue. But was it not already decided here by Leo XIII? It seems like an example of a latter Pope rejecting a previous Pope’s decision in favor of speculation on the issue. Am I getting it right here?