Population Control Fanatic Advocates “Voluntary Human Extinction” as Means to “Green”

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Another case of exteemism from the Culture of Perversion:
Population Control Fanatic Advocates “Voluntary Human Extinction” as Means to “Green” the Planet
Somewhat similar views held by Gorbachev, Cousteau, Suzuki and others
By Terry Vanderheyden

PORTLAND, November 16, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A population control fanatic is calling for massive world de-population - and therefore elimination of human reproduction - ostensibly for the purpose of revitalizing the planet’s ecosystem.

Describing human population growth as an “inexorable horror,” Voluntary Human Extinction Movement founder Les Knight said “It’s obvious that the intentional creation of another [human being] by anyone anywhere can’t be justified today,” according to a San Francisco Chronicle report.

Full Story
Eugentics how wonderful. If we don’t learn from history we are destinted to repeat it. Eugentics led to Auchwitz and abortion and the China one child policies. We really need as lay Catholic Christian to proclaim the Theology of the Body to this dark world.
Les Knight said “It’s obvious that the intentional creation of another [human being] by anyone anywhere can’t be justified today,”
I’m sure he thought it was justified around the time he was conceived…

I wonder if this guy will put his money where his mouth is and take himself off the earth. The guy who gives the order should lead the charge.:whistle:

No probably not, its all those poor people in the third world who need to stop reproducing, not him :rolleyes:
Eugentics how wonderful. If we don’t learn from history we are destinted to repeat it. Eugentics led to Auchwitz and abortion and the China one child policies. We really need as lay Catholic Christian to proclaim the Theology of the Body to this dark world.
This goes beyond eugenics which only terminates undesirables in a society. This is the ultimate clensing of the earth.

I wonder if this guy will put his money where his mouth is and take himself off the earth. The guy who gives the order should lead the charge.

No probably not, its all those poor people in the third world who need to stop reproducing, not him
I had this thought in the original version of my post, but decided to let someone else mention it.

I agree, these types are “Do As I Say, Not As I Do”…:ehh: …:hmmm: … now where have I heard that before:rolleyes:

The greenies in this part of the country are very powerful. For example, the Puget Sound orca were just added to the Endangered Species list. :confused:

It appears that the founding ecopyschobabbler of the voluntary human extinction movement is from Oregon. Voluntary euthanasia is legal there. 😦
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