Porn as sin. Need help

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Hey everyone,
I know that, porn is a sin but, my friends say that, it is not. Please tell me what to say to them to let them believe why pornography is a sin?
Remember when Jesus talked about how even looking lustfully at a women was adultery. I would use that reference.
Remember when Jesus talked about how even looking lustfully at a women was adultery. I would use that reference.
Yeah. That’s a good one. The verse is Matthew 5:28
You should get many replies for your request for help. Let me give one to get you helped along.

The Catholic Catechism (new one that everybody loves) paragraph 2354 will be helpful towards your understanding of pornography as a sin.

Basically, the inclinations towards the opposite sex that God has given us are good and beneficial. They are given by Him, yet sin works in us to turn the good into a means of offending God. Not only offending God, but also to offend ourselves and the people that are letting themselves be used to produce pornographic material. And they’re offending us by doing it!

Pornography works in humans to excite the God given desires in us to the end that God only intended to righteously be used in the realm of marriage for union showing love and resulting in bringing forth new life.

Probably your friend has never thought of the deeper consequences of pornography and related things, but you would do him no wrong by gently giving him the truth.

Plus, pornography itself breaks all kinds of moral commandments and is utterly devoid of any virtue, at least that I can think of. I would’nt be a fan of anyone that argued for “moderation” or “prudence” in pornography. Rather, Chastity is the opposite of all that pornography embellishes.
You say they are friends (not family). Some choice of friends? Or probably they are merely very familiar acquaintances.

I am signed up for RCIA / RCIC. As a lay-person I wouldn’t worry about trying too hard to convince them it is a sin. They are probably lying to you and already know it is wrong. Why talk to a fool according to their folly? You told them once, that is sufficient for you to do.

It is the Holy Spirit’s job to internally convict somebody of sin. I think it is wrong for us to do God’s job. God does His job better than we can. And He has given us other tasks to do.

Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus says in John 16:8-11

“And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation: sin, because they do not believe in me; righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; condemnation, because the ruler of this world has been condemned.”
In researching the sex abuse crisis, (a painful necessity of my job) I note that all sources, law enforcement, psychological, spiritual, academic, whatever the source of the research and reporting, that ALL sex offenders violent or otherwise, have a pornography habit, that almost all users of pornography masturbate to an extent that the masturbation habit interferes with normal sexual expression and development (whatever their state in life). This is NOT to say of course that all those who masturbate use pornography (although most gravitate that way) and certainly NOT all who masturbate casually or occasionally on their way to sexual maturation become abusers or sex offenders.

Pornography is not harmless, it is produced by an industry that is notoriously corrupt and routinely abusive, and even violent, toward women, children, and homosexuals. Its profits are used to support crime and violence and terrorism around the world, and it is the world’s fastest growing industry. It is becoming even more pervasive than the drug industry, because it is become more accepted.
Others have cited the biblical sources and Catechism, so I won’t repeat that. But consider this: pornography is clearly a turning away from love, which sex should be intrinsically connected to. And turning away from Love is turning away from God. And that is a pretty good definition of sin.
I don’t believe God declares something a “sin” just because he doesn’t want us to have any fun.
He is a Father - and He knows, better than we do, the damage that porn can do.

A friend of my husband’s has been hooked on porn since he was in highschool (he is approaching 40 now)
He has not had one long lasting relationship with a woman.
He can no longer be sexually aroused by a real woman - he is only aroused by pornography.
Moderate pornography no longer satisfies him either. He has to keep graduating to more explicit - more vulgar - more hideous images to keep his interest.
I am sure this must now include animals and children (while he is our friend - we will never allow him alone near our children)

And this brings me to my next concern.
Whenever you read a terrible story in the news of a young child or young woman being abducted, raped, and murdered - the story ALWAYS winds up detailing the murderers porn addiction.

I am very worried that our friend is on this path.

This is a clear trap Satan has set especially for men.
It denies them the experience of true love.
It denies them the joy of having a happy and wholesome family.

And if just may wind up driving them to commit unspeakable evils against another human being.
sigh My ex was into pornography. He brought it into the marriage in several different forms. Books and magazines were piled around our place. And often he would rent very explicit movies. And he wanted me to reenact what he read and saw. It was humiliating. Also, he had affairs with eight different women THAT I KNOW OF in the three and a half years we were married.

His second wife brought three girls into the relationship. The oldest was four years older than our daughter. A little over two years into the relationship, the oldest girl turned him in for molesting her. Of course, he came up with all kinds of denials and excuses. At first he said that she only said that because she got mad because they grounded her for her grades at school. Then he said it was my fault. Yeah, right!! I still live in Kansas, and at the time he was in Texas. It’s not like I went there and held a gun to his head and made him do it. When I told him that, he turned around and said it was my fault he turned out like he did. Again, Yeah right!! I’m not his mother.

Then, he blamed it on the girl. “She started it! She’s been molested before, so she knew what she was doing!” God I hate it when people won’t take responsibility for their own actions.

The pornography was partly responsible for our divorce. Even then, he refused to take any responsibilty. I literally got shoved out by him and his family for not being good enough. I was the “wife,” read “slave.” If I didn’t wait on all of them hand and foot, then I didn’t deserve anything BUT to be out on the street. My mom is still convinced that I walked out. I have told her otherwise, but what does she know?

Sorry, whenever I get on the subject, I still have a tendency to rant. 😦
I heard an ex-porn addict state that it was harder to rid himself of that addiction than it was to get off of drugs. The images in your head do not go away easily and come at times when you least want them.

I firmly believe that it is very bad for marriages.
OH man, let me tell you, Porn is Bad!! I am recovering from that sin. I have been “Porn-Less” for about 1 month. I almost failed one time. I was really getting the urge to sin against purity, so i started doing my thing, then i went to my computer, and i went to those good ole websites, and when i got to the 1st website, i saw my wall paper, it is the divine Mercy, imediately i clicked of the website, started praying, and i felt better. The devil almost won, but thank God i was helped. When i would watch porn, i would feel good for that brief moment, then feel horrible for about a week, because i know that I have all the way until Saturday (Thats when Confession is). You feel empty. You feel angry with yourself. Then embarrased because you have to then tell you sin to the priest, that feeling of embarrasment makes me NEVER wanna watch porn again, so i suggest if you do it, get help fast
Think about the entire chain of sin started by looking at porn:
  1. When you view pornography, you contaminate the vessel of the Holy Spirit, your own body. The impurity you commit violates God’s Will. There is an old adage in politics about ethics: Would you do something you are contemplating doing if it was going to be the front page headline of the New York Times tomorrow? If not, then you shouldn’t do it regardless of whether anyone will ever know or not. For Catholics, especially regarding sins of impurity, ask yourself: Would I do this knowing the Blessed Mother of Our Lord were watching?
  2. When you view pornography, even “free” on the internet, you support an entire industry that relies on profits from your activity. That industry will expand, using more people and enticing others to sin as well.
  3. Those pictures are of real people. You encourage them in sin. In some instances, the subjects of those pictures are desperate for money in order to house, clothe and feed themselves, and your participation in sin leads them into sin as well. Without the support of those who view porn, the industry would cease to exist.
Everything said in the posts above is true as well. Porn is the perfect archetype for Satan’s promises: the promise turns out to be empty and destructive. No woman could ever hope to match the one in your lustful mind, the perfect object of your lust. The porn addict cannot possibly have a rich, fulfilling healthy relationship with a real woman.

As a married man who has struggled with physical temptation (and who hasn’t?), I can testify that society is lying in its constant drumbeat that everything is about sex. By far the richer part of my marriage is the union of my soul with my wife’s. In fact, while part of God’s plan for us, sex is actually a very small part of life.

For special assistance with someone who struggles with this, pray for the intercession of St. Joseph, father of the Holy Family. He married a beautiful virtuous young woman, yet remained chaste himself for the whole of his married life. God chooses some for the great gift and grace of offering our sexuality to him, as a gift of love.
Trust me on this one thing, they already know darn well that pornography is a sin. I dont care how adamant they are, deep down they know its wrong, unless they have absolutely no conscience left. I would not waste too much time trying to convince them of something they already know to be true. They are lying to you and to themselves to justify what they know is bad behavior.
Thanks everyone so far for replying. Actually, they are my co-workers. Anyway, that’s all I got to say. I will look at it later for later replies. You guys give me great advices. So far, it’s good. I need as much info as I can. I am doing as much as I can to explain.
Anthony Nguyen
Love is paramount. What takes away from love is wrong. All one needs to do is consider the ramification of porn to see that it is counter to love.

From the perspective of single male: Viewing porn contributes to the destruction of the love that, would and should, be associated with the idea of physical intimacy. It belittles the God given gift of the pleasure of the physical sharing of one another.

From the perspective of a married woman: Her husband viewing porn is clearly hurtful and degrading. If you question this put yourself in her situation. Think about it, contimplate it. Consider how this is destrutive to the intimacy that she wishes to share with her husband.

From the perspective of the married man: Viewing porn takes away from the attention better spent elsewhere (and the argument there is enough to go around is dreadfully wrong). It’s nothing but destructive, what good comes from it? A moment of lusting after something that is not and should not be yours hurts others as well as yourself.

Who, wishes someone they love to be lusting after another?

The answer to whether or not porn is sinful is clear. It blatently goes counter to everything Jesus taught. It’s elementary. It causes pain, for all involved.

There are so many confusing issues that we are faced with in life. This simply sin’t one of them. EXCUSES!

Just my opinion 🙂 .
There is the scriptural command not to do anything that even appears evil. Porn clearly at least appears to be evil to a huge number of people. Therefore if one does it then you have sinned by disobeying the command to avoid the appearance of sin.
our culture pretty emphatically, and convincingly, tells us that porn is not evil. that it’s a healthy expression of sexuality, and that to keep yourself from it is ‘repressive’ and unhealthy, and the only institution that would stop you is one that is keeping you from fun and a healthy sexual freedom.

this is, of course, all lies.

but it’s been saying it for so long, and has repeated the theme so often, in so many ways, that i wouldn’t be surprised if your ‘friends’ or ‘coworkers’ or whatever DO think it’s wrong. by the way, i hope they ARE your friends. the best way to change the world is to change yourself, and changing yourself leads to others being changed when you’re not afraid (or too proud) to be friends with people who are not like you, who believe and do things that you don’t agree with. obviously, you have to be careful, and find the balance (with the guidance of the church and the holy spirit) between being friends and helping THEM, or being friends and being drawn into the sin that so easily entangles.

anyway, i would let them know what you’ve learned here, and i would continue to be their friend - you may be the only link to salvation they have. in all things, charity! 🙂
our culture pretty emphatically, and convincingly, tells us that porn is not evil. that it’s a healthy expression of sexuality, and that to keep yourself from it is ‘repressive’ and unhealthy, and the only institution that would stop you is one that is keeping you from fun and a healthy sexual freedom.

this is, of course, all lies.

but it’s been saying it for so long, and has repeated the theme so often, in so many ways, that i wouldn’t be surprised if your ‘friends’ or ‘coworkers’ or whatever DO think it’s wrong. by the way, i hope they ARE your friends. the best way to change the world is to change yourself, and changing yourself leads to others being changed when you’re not afraid (or too proud) to be friends with people who are not like you, who believe and do things that you don’t agree with. obviously, you have to be careful, and find the balance (with the guidance of the church and the holy spirit) between being friends and helping THEM, or being friends and being drawn into the sin that so easily entangles.

anyway, i would let them know what you’ve learned here, and i would continue to be their friend - you may be the only link to salvation they have. in all things, charity! 🙂
I am 68 years old and I can witness to the fact that porn can be very addictive. As a young single guy I used to look at Playboy and Penthouse when I had a chance. I found that it grows on you and like alcohol or a drug addiction it becomes very hard to kick. I found that the only way to break the habit was to never intentionally seek out such materials and when by accident you run across some get away like its a grenade about to explode. When I bought my first computer someone told me about all the porn that was available on line. I did not believe them and typed a few obscenities into my search engine. I only got one or two looks and found that my heart was racing and my breathing rapid as if I were prepping for real sex. This after several decades of avoidance. It took weeks before the images faded from my mind. Don’t take chances with you immortal soul. Porn can be as addictive as crystal meth or cocaine. As my Jesuit friends used to say a good man has to discipline or control his eyes so that they do not dwell on sights that lead to then or later sin. Pray for our young people that the Lord will protect them from the evil that porn generates.Its like playing around an open can of gasoline with a lit match. I think the good people who wrote above have given you good evidence as to why looking at porn is sinful. I hope what I have written will tell you just how evil a bjurden it can lay on a person. I have heard that these days even women are having problems with it.
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