Pornography link to violence?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monicathree
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I watched the disturbing sentencing trial of Dennis Rader-BTK on CourtTV. From what I have learned from this and other murder esp. serial killer cases, is that there always seems to be some type of sexual deviancy. I know “porn” per se doesn’t make one kill, but like Dobson says if a child esp. a boy is exposed with even one pornograghic image it can seriously damage him in the future with sex addiction and other disorders. What do you think? I worry for our society and how it is sexualizing everything and that effect on our children. I wonder if people realize what they might possibly be causing when they create this smut?? Just what I have been pondering, because even the worst of us started off as a little tiny innocent baby. Very sad and disturbing.

It’s something I dislike delving into or even knowing too much about; but it seems that much of pornography is connected with violence, torture, and death. Rader-BTK satisfied himself sexually after his victims died and was aroused by their torture and death.
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