As someone who’s started learning many languages, always to stop, I’ll tell you right now you need a goal. Get a book in Portugese, or watch one movie in Portugese over and over, aiming for the time that you can understand it. I’d recommend the book over the movie, but that’s just me. I’ve tried to learn French, German, Italian, Irish Gaelic, American Sign Language, and Biblical Hebrew. The only ones that I’ve stuck to for any reasonable amount of time have been French, ASL, and Biblical Hebrew. French and ASL because I took classes, and Biblical Hebrew because I have a goal of being able to read the OT in the original. Your goal is IMPORTANT, and “Being able to follow a conversation” won’t be enough of a goal.
As to resources, I’ve always like the _________ for Dummies because they explain everything very well, very basic and with a light tone. Some even have an audio CD.
Good Luck! I love languages.