Well, I’ve had 5 natural births either with Drs or midwives and each one has been a little different. I don’t think I have a horror story in the bunch…
With #1, even though I had done all the reading, nothing truly prepares you for the experience. I went into labor in the morning–I had an appointment at 10am to check the baby since he was a bit overdue. I just puttered and showered and packed for the appointment knowing I’d probably get to stay. I knew I was in labor because starting around 10 the contractions were every 5 min! They hooked me up to the monitors and said “hey, you’re in labor!” (
REALLY! lol) They checked me and I was not quite 4 so they sent me to walk around. I tried, but the contractions were so intense that I just couldn’t. They finally agreed to check me in, but the only room was the observation room (they were busy) where I stayed until I was nearly complete around 4pm. I did finally get my own room and delivered there around 5:30pm. My ds was 9 lbs 4 oz. That labor took about 8 hours. Oh, my mother was also present for this birth (the only one), which was helpful.
#2 was very similar to the first, but I was only in the actual hospital room about ummmm 20 minutes before I started pushing and she arrived. This was my first midwife delivery and was at a Catholic hospital and was very nice. My dh was so very helpful this time, he gets better and better during each birth. Total labor time 7 hours.
#3 was born under stressful conditions (a move via staying with the inlaws) and her labor took a LONG time (not painful hours, just piddly contractions), but in the end was much like the others. When she decided to turn her head the right way she was out in less than 1 hour. Another midwife delivery which saved me from a c-section since the labor was longer–no baby stress. I won’t give you the total labor time, it only depressess me
#4 was the most perfect birth I’ve ever had. I was only at the hospital about 1 hour before she made her arrival. I felt great afterwards and could hardly believe I gave birth. I wanted any future births to be like this one! This delivery was with a lovely prolife dr. in a Catholic Hospital. Total labor time 5 hours
#5 was a nice birth but I was again stressed because my Dr was leaving for a vacation and I really wanted him here for the birth. I had a false alarm about 2 days before, was scheduled for an induction I didn’t want and just really stressed out when I finally began labor on my own 2 days before he was scheduled to leave. It was still a short labor, though the recovery was harder this time. I don’t know why. Total labor time about 4-5 hours.
The bottom line is: be informed, try to eliminate/reduce stress and listen to your body and Dr/midwife. Drugs aren’t necessary for everyone, but you might be a person who benefits from them. It’s better for the baby if you can get by without them, though.
God bless you as you get nearer to holding your darling baby! There is nothing in this world like it!