Oxford dictionary in part defines contraception as:
In the Hobby Lobby case, their lawsuit was not over 16 types of contraception but the types that were considered possibly abortifacient, but what if at least some non-emergency contraception may act abortifacient? Maybe they don’t know some of the other forms of contraception they will cover could be abortifacient, I think there is a possibility a lot of people do not know. Doesn’t this possibility regarding multiple types of contraception being possibly abortifacient need to be discussed more among pro-lifers in general?
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform says:
oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/contraceptionThe deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse.
In the Hobby Lobby case, their lawsuit was not over 16 types of contraception but the types that were considered possibly abortifacient, but what if at least some non-emergency contraception may act abortifacient? Maybe they don’t know some of the other forms of contraception they will cover could be abortifacient, I think there is a possibility a lot of people do not know. Doesn’t this possibility regarding multiple types of contraception being possibly abortifacient need to be discussed more among pro-lifers in general?
aaplog.org/position-and-papers/oral-contraceptive-controversy/birth-control-pill-abortifacient-and-contraceptive/“Most (virtually all) literature dealing with hormonal contraception ascribes a three-fold action to these agents. 1. inhibition of ovulation, 2. inhibition of sperm transport, and 3. production of a “hostile endometrium”, which presumably prevents or disrupts implantation of the developing baby if the first two mechanisms fail. The first two mechanisms are true contraception. The third proposed mechanism, IF it in fact occurs, would be abortifacient.” (editor’s addition) What is the precise language appearing in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) with regard to these agents? “Ortho-Novum: …a progestational effect on the endometrium, interfering with implantation.” “Norinyl: …alterations in …the endometrium (which reduce the likelihood of implantation).”
The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform says:
abortionno.org/birth-controlMany forms of birth control can be classified as abortifacients since they do not always prevent fertilization and in some instances work to destroy the life of a developing child.