I’ve read this forum over and decided that my appeal for suggestions probably belongs here.
I’m nineteen years old, and I’ve been dating someone for almost eleven months. He treats me very well, we’re best friends, but a few things about our relationship don’t feel right, to me. I’ll be honest, but I’ll also speak appropriately, if all of you don’t mind.
I guess what I’m asking… from anyone here, doesn’t matter how old, or married/single… is this: should I get out of this relationship? Should I try bringing my boyfriend to Christ, or would our previous sinful relationship conflict with our future marriage? I’m just very confused. I love my boyfriend, but I want to live for God and love Him FIRST and foremost. I know I’ve sinned and fallen short, but I know that I’m back in God’s arms again, and I either need to let go of this relationship and deal with the hurt… or stay in this relationship, and deal with the hurt.
Thanks for any thoughts, comments, suggestions etc that all of you have.
I’m nineteen years old, and I’ve been dating someone for almost eleven months. He treats me very well, we’re best friends, but a few things about our relationship don’t feel right, to me. I’ll be honest, but I’ll also speak appropriately, if all of you don’t mind.
- I fell away from God before I started dating him. I came back to God very recently, while my boyfriend has never especially believed in God. This never bothered me before, but immediately does now.
- Things in our relationship have gone too far, too fast. We haven’t gone “all the way”, but we’ve gone far enough. That’s just the truth. I’m ashamed of it, but there’s no point hiding behind it. This also never bothered me before, but immediately does now.
- We’ve discussed marriage in the context of wanting to marry each other in the future, after we’re both done at University. I never had any reason to doubt the validity or the success of a future marriage to him, since he’s very kind and we get along well. But, again, this bothers me now.
I guess what I’m asking… from anyone here, doesn’t matter how old, or married/single… is this: should I get out of this relationship? Should I try bringing my boyfriend to Christ, or would our previous sinful relationship conflict with our future marriage? I’m just very confused. I love my boyfriend, but I want to live for God and love Him FIRST and foremost. I know I’ve sinned and fallen short, but I know that I’m back in God’s arms again, and I either need to let go of this relationship and deal with the hurt… or stay in this relationship, and deal with the hurt.
Thanks for any thoughts, comments, suggestions etc that all of you have.