I have found this powerpoint presentation helpful, and I think it would be helpful for catechists in parish ministry to consider.
“This PowerPoint presentation on “Post-Sacrament Evangelization” was given by Cardinal Roger Mahony at the 2014 Religious Education Congress. You are free to use it any way that helps evangelize our people following the reception of the Sacraments.”
Official Description from the RECongress guidebook:
“This PowerPoint presentation on “Post-Sacrament Evangelization” was given by Cardinal Roger Mahony at the 2014 Religious Education Congress. You are free to use it any way that helps evangelize our people following the reception of the Sacraments.”
Official Description from the RECongress guidebook:
la-archdiocese.org/cardinal/Documents/PostSacramentalEvangelization_CardinalMahony.pptxAs we emphasize the New Evangelization, one avenue we need to explore I call “post-sacrament” evangelization. We are quite skilled at pre-sacrament catechesis, but what happens the day after? After a wonderful confirmation liturgy, what do we have for these young people the next day? After First Communion, what contact do we maintain with those children and families? After marriage, what do we have for the newly married couples? We have terrific RCIA teams; but what concrete steps do we take to make the newly baptized become active members of our faith communities?