Post your general prayers for assembly into a personal booklet

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Do you have a prayer you’re getting ready to say? If it’s general, please write it here. Please don’t say anyone’s particular name unless you add “offered for:” before the prayer. Please only write a prayer here if it’s sincere and you’re actually praying while you write it. Please include prayers to saints, to angels, Any of the Trinity.

After many prayers have been posted, I will compile them into a small printable booklet. If you would also like an easy-to-print-and-assemble prayer booklet, I’ll also send you the document.

So please post your prayers!
Almighty YHWH,

Your Divine Presence presided over the faithfull Israelites in the Tabernacle of the Temple. At the Crucifixion, Your Son became the New High Priest, the Offering and the Altar. The Light was shown upon the Gentiles and Israel accepted her new siblings all encompassed into the One Lord.

The changing of the Celestial Winds over time have brought to fruition the New Zion of the Catholic Church after the ripping of the veil in Jerusalem. You opened Yourself to all of creation. As we offer the Perfect Sacrifice in Masses around the world each day, may it be offered in reparation for all the sin, but also for the conversion of the Western culture back to the sacred values of Christ, and may the Jewish nation come to see the Light of our Messiach shining in the New Temple of Zion. Your Church.

May the Mother of Carmel, Princess of Israel pray for these same intentions and for all us sinners at the hour of our death.
Holy Angels, bless and protect us!

This is one of my favorite prayers, and I pray it frequently throughout the day 🙂 I also add “and all who are on the road” while I’m driving.
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