Posture during prayer

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I do most of my prayer while lying in bed a night. Others may kneel on the ground, others may pray while driving to work. Are all postures during prayer equally effective or reverant? Just curious what others do or think on this matter.
Good Morning Church

I pray no matter where I am or what I am doing. I pray almost continually through the day. I love to pray.
I do not mean memorized prayers but just talking to God.
If I feel like standing with my hands lifted up to God, I do it. If I feel like kneeling I do that, too. If I am feeling like laying on the floor before the Lord I do that, too.
The main thing is to pray, pray, pray.
Oh by the way, part of praying is listening.

Please do not get so hung up on rules you need to worry about posture during prayer. 😉
St Therese of Lisieux prayed laying on her back. I think posture is really the least important thing about prayer. Most important is to just do it. Pray in your own words or memorized. That said, I use different postures. I sit when praying the Divine Office and Lectio Divina. I meditate lying on my back. If I am feeling contrite or particularly stressed I am on my knees.
A posture during prayer can make a difference if it helps get you in a better frame of mind to pray. What postures are helpful varies by person.

Some postures can be distracting or immodest towards others (who are present) and should be avoided.

I try to pray everywhere in everything I do. I try to avoid postures that make prayer more difficult (For example, due to my physical handicaps, kneeling is extremely painful for me and the pain overwhelms everything else.)
We are guided to pray ceaselessly. Only inward posture (eyes turned toward Heaven) is necessary! 👍
Posture is simply a tool to better focus ourselves. I find often that the tradional “on-your-knees” posture is most effective while praying the Rosary, or while praying before a crucifix (it connects me with the mindset of praying in a church). But it is not necessary. The only thing I would add to everyone else’s comments is that it might be prudent to avoid certain postures depending on your state of mind. If you’re tired and are trying to pray, lying on your back in bed might not be the best place to do it!
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