Power of Sacramentals?

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I have various medals, scapulars, rosaries, and even relics.
I’m told the blessings they carry will provide graces and keep one from temptation. I usually wear a scapular with a Benedictine medal and crucifix, yet I continually fall into sin.
Nothing seems to help me, I’m worried I’ve lost all respect and reverence for sacramentals, and put no faith in their promises. I treat them as common, yet religious, things.

Does anyone else struggle with this? Is there any particular way to help?
I have the same problem my friend…can anyone out there give us some guidence?
Are you making regular confession? Sacramentals are great, but the Sacrament is better.

Sacramentals are meant to remind and encourage a holy disposition–this is what wards off temptation, not the mere fact of donning a sacramental. Use sacramentals by all means, but make them effective by fasting (which means keeping “custody of the eyes” from sinful things), fleeing from all occasions of sin (you probably have a good idea what sets you off, so anticipate it and avoid), and above all prayer. Be not afraid! 🙂

I will include you in my prayers.

Scott Waddell:
Are you making regular confession? Sacramentals are great, but the Sacrament is better.

Sacramentals are meant to remind and encourage a holy disposition–this is what wards off temptation, not the mere fact of donning a sacramental. Use sacramentals by all means, but make them effective by fasting (which means keeping “custody of the eyes” from sinful things), fleeing from all occasions of sin (you probably have a good idea what sets you off, so anticipate it and avoid), and above all prayer. Be not afraid! 🙂

I will include you in my prayers.

Thank you very much, Scott, for your advice and prayers.

I do frequent Confession, but even that Holy Sacrament doesn’t seem to be helping me. I cannot yet receive the Eucharist, and I haven’t been Confirmed. I’ll be joining the Church this Easter.

(I’ve been receiving Reconciliation since July/August however.)
Thank you very much, Scott, for your advice and prayers.

I do frequent Confession, but even that Holy Sacrament doesn’t seem to be helping me. I cannot yet receive the Eucharist, and I haven’t been Confirmed. I’ll be joining the Church this Easter.

(I’ve been receiving Reconciliation since July/August however.)
Patience. Continue going to Confession. You should notice that over time, you sin less. Don’t forget to notice the times you do not give in to temptation.

God bless!
Patience. Continue going to Confession. You should notice that over time, you sin less. Don’t forget to notice the times you do not give in to temptation.

God bless!
Right. If it took a long time to form a sinful habit, you cannot always expect it to be broken immeditately (but don’t rule it out as a possibility). I had one nasty sinful habit before I converted that I never did again after one confession. I have another that I have confessed several times, yet I still struggle with it.

Simply put.

God is patient and faithful. Time is on His side and He loves you very much. Fear not, for He’ll never abandon you.

Some behaviors and tendencies may take quite a while to overcome. Think in the longer term, think of one or two years even.

I can tell you that it’s taken me over a year to get sinful habits under control, yet I’m not rid of them.

But Jesus, His saints and His church were made available to me out of His love. I’m in good company and so are you.

God bless.
RomanRite 👋

Hey keep up the good work. :clapping: Wish I had your wisdom at that age.

Here is a story on the sacrament grace given through the brown scapular, St. Benedict medal and crucifix.

I sometimes work with a 27 yr old man who was in a severe skiing accident 6 yrs ago. He told me God appeared to him at the moment of the accident. After approximately a year long comma and intensive care, he came home and convinced his mom to start going to mass. He was in a wheel chair, with severe head injuries and could walk only with assistance. He cannot care for himself, and the depression is so bad he is suicidal.

When he is thinking right, he will ask profound questions about God and you can actually see his face glowing.

His mood can switch instantly. He can go from loving, glowing, peaceful to hateful, suicidal and angry. He will try to throw himself down the stairs, cut his throat or hurt you. One time I had my hand between his throat and a dull razor blade knife. This usually goes on for hours or until his mother gets home.

Please keep in mind that although serious, if he truly wanted to commit suicide I could not stop him. He physically stronger than me and I am not weak. He has a very good angel.

During my last visit, his mood changed for the worse. I always pray while at his house, especially while satan attacks him. This time my angel reminded me of the graces attributed to my sacramentals. I placed the brown scapular, St. Benedict medal and crucifix around his neck. In three minutes he told me he was sorry and asked what I put around his neck “because it worked, I could feel God giving me grace.” We then spent the rest of the day in peace and talking about God.

RomanRite, believe me they work exactly how God wants them to. Why did he choose objects to bestow some of His graces? I do not know. Why did He heal the blind mind with spit and mud? Why does he transform bread into His body, soul and divinity? It is a mystery to me.

Recognize the frustration as an attack from the evil one. Reject the frustrations or any other form of attack. Reject Satan. Then ask God to flood you with peace or any needed virtue and thank Him for all He has done for you.

You are doing great. :dancing:

Keep wearing those sacramentals and fall in love with the sacraments.

Go in peace

Yes you fall into sin whilst wearing or carring or using sacramentals. Just imagine what would happen if you had no sacramentals!!

Sacramentals prepare us to receive the great grace of God. Stay prepared.
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