So I moved house in great need and haste. some here will remember tha last place…) I knew the dwelling needed deep cleaning and painting but said I would see to that ( it is council owned; long story, but a sheer and utter miraclel I got it. Rentals are very hard to get here now, almost impossible on social welfare) I knew that was some issue re teh elecrticity but thought it just needed switching on. So did the council! Alas, the meter and wiring to the pole had vanished… The man from the council is the kindest soul alive, and promised way back on Sept 12th that the council would deal with it. So I have no power at all, oh and a silly issue re the gas cooker I bought which is not yet working either,) Weeks have passed and letters gone back and forth and nada, as in manana people… This area is so utterly… Irish and charming and I love it and them but… Last week I finally sent a formal complaint letter, recorded delivery, carefully worded to avoid losing the house, then on Friday went to the shop. A lovely family run Irish business, who were kindness itself. The man wants E250 just to connect the gas cooker… BUT the manager knows the council man and is his neighbour so he called him. He has JUST ie since my letter, called ESB our power supply networks. They assure him the meter is still there and there IS power in the kitchen! Refuse to believe us and are demanding we get an electrician over to the island to certify THERE IS NO METER. No one has any idea where the meter went or who took it or why. One of those “only in Ireland” moments… and I know that this could drag on a looooong time yet… Little House on the Prairie, eat your heart out and yes, strange things can happen on small Irish islands after dark…