Power struggle ( irish style

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So I moved house in great need and haste. some here will remember tha last place…) I knew the dwelling needed deep cleaning and painting but said I would see to that ( it is council owned; long story, but a sheer and utter miraclel I got it. Rentals are very hard to get here now, almost impossible on social welfare) I knew that was some issue re teh elecrticity but thought it just needed switching on. So did the council! Alas, the meter and wiring to the pole had vanished… The man from the council is the kindest soul alive, and promised way back on Sept 12th that the council would deal with it. So I have no power at all, oh and a silly issue re the gas cooker I bought which is not yet working either,) Weeks have passed and letters gone back and forth and nada, as in manana people… This area is so utterly… Irish and charming and I love it and them but… Last week I finally sent a formal complaint letter, recorded delivery, carefully worded to avoid losing the house, then on Friday went to the shop. A lovely family run Irish business, who were kindness itself. The man wants E250 just to connect the gas cooker… BUT the manager knows the council man and is his neighbour so he called him. He has JUST ie since my letter, called ESB our power supply networks. They assure him the meter is still there and there IS power in the kitchen! Refuse to believe us and are demanding we get an electrician over to the island to certify THERE IS NO METER. No one has any idea where the meter went or who took it or why. One of those “only in Ireland” moments… and I know that this could drag on a looooong time yet… Little House on the Prairie, eat your heart out and yes, strange things can happen on small Irish islands after dark…
May the Lord bless your efforts to get your power restored to your dwelling…very soon
Thank you. I actutally went out when I got home just to check there really WAS no meter… Just the empty cubbyhole and truncated cables. I HATE complaining as I did but it seems to b the only way here sometimes? I told a relatve in the phone( I have to keep getting the cell phone charged etc) that I am adjusting. I no longer reach for a lightswitch, but for the torch!
Hi @Rosebud77,

It’s great to see you again! ❤️

Prayers said that everything gets resolved really soon, so that you have power.

God bless you! 🙂
Hi @Rosebud77, what’s your status on this? Any progress? I hope so!
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Blessings and thanks for prayers etc. Am back in the community centre where there us free wifi, in between deluges and gales. Dog is asleep by my feet… she is a happy girl as she gets lovely long walks here… No progress power wise. Man did not turn up to sort the gas cooker so I am living a very old style of Irish rural life. Dependent on the fire etc. Hand washing and very limited menu. Probably very good for the soul ! Know what I mean? Will rattle off a couple mpre emails… But one of the spin offs of Irish rural decay is that there are fewer experts etc. Also folk hate coming to the island! As if they are never going to escape! Me?I dread not being able to get back The priest told me he hates coming. “What if something happened?
YOU COULD NOT GET OFF!” But we have a grand heli pad and the air
Heard someone in the lobby and when a voice told me it was the METER READER I leapt to my feet, only to find it is my very good neighbour! Joked with him re reading my meter! He told me he spoke with the man from the council and the electrician who has to confirm that the meter is not there is comnig on Tuesday… Well, that is the plan. Fingers crossed please… He has to report to esB and only then will there be any possibility of reonnecting,

I really pray that everything goes well for you and that all will understand that you need to be connected so that you can finally have some power in your home!

God bless you! ❤️
Oh I have POWER! Of faith, or sheer endurance and of hope… Of a growing sense of humour too… Electrician did not turn up and ESB are still averring that there is power in the house. Just been out for the day nd am at the community centre on their wifi until I have to dash for the boat home. Been a fascinating day as I reaqucaint with places I knew 15 years ago . Gets dark so early now though…
Thanks for posting! ❤️

I’m so very to hear that the electrician did not show up, and that you are still dealing with this rigmarole of them thinking that there’s a working meter there…!

How frustrating for you!

I will keep praying for you that this all gets resolved soon!

Sending love and prayers and friendship your way! XOXO ❤️
Ah it has got past being anything anyone can take seriously now! And folk are so sympathetic it is balm. and this place is my “forever home” sent and given by God for me so endurance is easier. I have a solid fuel stove/fire which is the true heart of the house. But it will be bliss…
One week on. The plot has really thickened in that we know the full story behind the damaged meter. Not pretty. But in a way a relief… Still waiting for an electrical engineer to brave the small curragh that is our ferry… Am fingers crossed on the way to getting the gas cooker connected which will make a great difference, but not banking on anything. The Public HEalth Nurse ( ie district Nurse) called this week, as she is new here and gettibg to know us old wans,. Perfect timing as I had just set a blackened pan in the fire… She was horrified and took a photo of the meter so maybe if enough pester, Nine weeks now and I getting used to living “off the grid…” Everyone is shocked at it all. Me? Loving life here so much…
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