This is an address for a Protestant site. Most of them are very Fundamentalist oriented.
Just try Sola Scriptura, Mary Ever-Virgin or the Early Fathers and you’ll get a responce. They ganged up on me, and will not listen to truth.
I am the owner of that site.
Exporter showed up unexpectedly on our site, which was designed originally for members of our faith to talk with each other rather than for discussion with people from outside. We allowed him to stay and talked with him, and he repaid our kindness with incredible rudeness, even to the point of posting foul language on our site.
He talks with someone until they ask him questions he does not want to answer, and then he ignores them. Sometimes he claims he can’t understand how to find anything on the site and that he didn’t see the questions. He also ignores it when we answer his questions, which we have.
He talked politely with my wife for awhile, until she asked some questions he did not want to answer, and then suddenly decided that she should not be allowed to post and discuss with him since she was a woman. He did that to at least one other member of our site, as well (a kind lady who has so far been the site’s only sponsor).
He compared one member of our site to some kind of anti-semitic Nazi preacher from south Texas. We never did find out what that was about.
He made so many posts to our site that the original discussion purpose of our site was nearly drowned out. He invaded every single thread he could and tried to turn them into a discussion of the Catholic faith.
All of this time there was a nice lady on our site who was also not a member of our faith. She kindly asked questions, peacefully discussed our differences, and politely expressed her disagreement at times. And I don’t think she ever once called anybody a name or used foul language unbecoming a Christian.
In my most recent discussion with him I responded to one of his posts with a series of questions which he has so far ignored. Each time he posts I remind him of those, but he isn’t answering. His days of doing this on our site are numbered.
We didn’t really set up our site for discussion with people of other faiths. If more people show up and act like Exporter, we’ll probably terminate the experiment of allowing them. Anyone who uses foul language will be banned without warning. Anyone who makes a lot of noise but never responds when someone asks him a question will also not be allowed.
Exporter is a very poor representative of your faith. I am thankful that most of the Catholics I have known in person, including my father’s very best friend, a doctor who has cared for me for years, are not like that.