My youngest daughter Olivia (7yo) is having a terrible time starting the first grade. It seems that the first 2 weeks weren’t too bad, she did pretty well. But the last two weeks have been misery for her. She sits in her class and sobs most of the day, won’t go out to play with the other kids, and we just don’t know what to do. She has 4 children in her class from her preschool last year. She’s in a very safe, smallish Catholic school (and her older 11yo sister is in the same building). My wife works a couple of days a week in the school on scrip and our daughter knows where to find her, goes to her and cries uncontrollably to where she has to be restrained so her mom can leave.
Please pray that Olivia overcomes these anxieties and feels safe.
Please pray that Olivia overcomes these anxieties and feels safe.