I’m feeling very frustrated. My youngest daughter has spina bifida.She had surgery on June 12, and we expected her to be home in a week. Her intestinal tract stopped working after the surgery and the doctors had to perform another surgery to fix the problem. She is 13 and weighs about 70 lbs. and hasn’t had solid food in two weeks and I’m worried about her losing weight. My wife and i have been taking turns staying with her at the hospital which is 70 miles away and its starting to take a toll on me. Add to that ,I remodeled my bathroom this spring and now the bathtub has a hole in it. Its going to cost almost $5000 to fix. Fortunately We have the money to pay for it but its aggravating to know that all the work and the money we spent on the remodeling was wasted. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, and I would appreciate all prayers for my family and me.