Pray Rosary of JP II at Lourdes 8/15/04

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I’d like to ask anyone willing to help to Pray a Rosary for Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. He’s going to Lourdes tomorrow, Sunday 8/15, the Feast of the Assumption, where he’ll have some time for private devotion.

I’d like you to ask the Blessed Theresa of Calcutta to intercede on his behalf and request a miraculous healing of his health, body, mind and soul.

It is my prayer that this be the will of God and that He grant us this incredible and very public miracle, in the hope that many souls can be saved.

Thanks for your assistance, for it is through the raising of many voices that I feel this prayer may be heard and recognized as coming from the hearts of many worthy souls. For surely, my mere request is not sufficient to merit such a miracle, but perhaps when raised together, our cries will be enough to be worthy of a response.

We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.

I prayed a rosary with Pope John Paul II this morning at Lourdes thanks to EWTN.
I love our Pope and think he is a great witness of forging on in the midst of suffering and physical challenges. He is facilitating so much grace and mercy upon us by offering his sufferings each day, united to those of Jesus, that if he had the choice, I don’t know if he would choose to be physically healed or choose to continue to suffer for the Universal Church.

I am learning about redemptive suffering as I suffer from a chronic condition. Our Holy Father has been and continues to be a huge inspiration to me and others I know who suffer.

While I would never wish suffering on anyone, and would rejoice if our Holy Father were healed physically, we have to understand that there is physical healing and there is spiritual healing. I would choose spiritual over physical anytime.

All that said, I will join you in saying a Rosary for Pope John Paul II tomorrow and pray for him as I always do, that God’s will in his life and all our lives will be accomplished!

I can totally appreciate your position regarding sacrifice and the redemptive power it plays!! I do not mean in any way to belittle all that his incredible suffering has done or continues to do.

Thank you for your willingness to say a Rosary anyway, and I will add you to my prayers, that all your suffering be fruitful and that the all your prayers be answers, even those that ask for a repreave from suffering, without the loss of the joining of your prayers with Him at Calvary.


Oh, and I don’t get EWTN so I missed the opportunity to join in JPII’s rosary from Lourdes. How wonderful!
I prayed a rosary with Pope John Paul II this morning at Lourdes thanks to EWTN.
I saw a bit of this ceremony this afternoon on EWTN. I was surprised that they added words to the “Hail Mary”. It was the third mystery and they worked the mystery into the prayer. Did they do this for every mystery? Have you ever seen/heard this before?
I didn’t see it, but I have heard of it being done, with each Mystery, between the declaration of the Angels and the request that Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us.

I would have loved to have seen it! Does anyone know if it’s accessible on the internet?

I will pray the rosary this morning at 9 a.m. CST for Pope John Paul II. We do not get EWTN either, but do get the Catholic Life Channel of the Diocese of Baton Rouge which is where I usually join in the rosary at 9 a.m. on weekends and 6 p.m. on weekdays.
I joined in on the rosary on EWTN TV last night with the Holy Father. (You can get EWTN TV and Radio over the internet if you need to.)

It broke my heart to see Him suffer so much for the love of his flock. Pope John Paul II’s witness of his love and perserverence under his great suffering is a muhc needed witness for all of us encouraging us to stand with God, for God, and in God’s service for Truth in these times of great immortaliries.
We, the faithful, need to keep our beloved Holy Father in our prayers that God may bless him with the strength and endurance to continue to serve and offer up our sufferings for the Holy Father’s benefit.
If you are posting, and you are, you can get choose television then choose “live” to see ALL programs and not only that you can choose radio “live” to hear the radio programs like Catholic Answers live that are not on TV. I used to have a DISH but couldn’t have it here so get all my programing via my computer. Put an easy chair in my computer room - watch ewtn and make rosaries. What a neat life for an “ole” lady, yes!!! I too joined our Holy Father in the Rosary at Lourdes. Praise God!!!
Peace on earth to men of good will.
La Vada,

I too make rosaries. I got one from my mother which was a memory wire bracelet and I found that I could have 2nd graders make it, they’re so easy. So that’s what I enjoy teaching others to make. It’s also great for seniors, as our eyes get older and seeing the small hole of beads gets more difficult.

What kind of rosaries are you making and for whom?

Isn’t it a great thing to do! 🙂

I have found great joy in sharing rosaries with others.

Just yesterday I was in a thrift store and found “Introduction to the Rosary”, by Louis de Montfort (sic?) and I was thrilled with the find. But I was also hesitant, because I know I’ve already got it as well as him more complete volume, and I didn’t want to keep it from others who might need the introduction. Well, when I got to the register, the gal working the counter commented on how it looked like a great book and before we were done she was keeping the book and excited about it. I knew the minute I touched it that it belonged to someone else, but that somehow I was meant to be the vehicle to get it where it belonged! 🙂

I even left her my prayer cards that go through all the mysteries, and she didn’t know the Hail Mary (or the Hail Holy Queen). So, I left her all that, we traded phone numbers, and I still glow when I think of the wonderful opportunity the Holy Spirit has given me for sharing the gifts we’ve been given. She’s Episcopalean, but was very interested and she’s been to our parish (helping an elderly friend who needed the ride) and she really liked the Mass. She understood the significance of not taking communion, and she’s interested in a class Father was just talking about offering.

God is good! 🙂

Well, I should get going. I’ve got a lot to do today. We’re headed off for an end of summer road trip, visiting family.

Wish us well.

Thanks, CARose, see my private message to you.
Someone asked above about “adding words” to the Hail Mary. This is one of the St. Louis De Montfort methods. It’s a great change when one finds oneself mumbling words. Keeps the mind a little more focused!! Find a copy of “The Secret of the Rosary” and it is in there.
By the way, as some may know and others not, there is a book put out by Montfort Publications, Bay Shore, New York, 11706, Title"God Alone, The collected Writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort… Its great and covers much more than some of the individual booklets.
Yes, CARose, making rosaries, is “great” for this “ole” lady. I make both the string mission ones and also metal chain ones. On the string ones, it easy to “pray” while doing them. Three winds of the thread - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You… Five winds are same with, I worship and adore You. Same with each bead put on a string. How very gracious our God is!!!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Peace on earth to men of good will.
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