Pray the Governator comes through on this one

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I was listening to the radio yesterday on the way to work and it seems there is a bill going through the California congress that would make it illegal for children to have an abortion without parental consent. The governor hasn’t said he has taken a stand on the issue but he did say as a parent he would want to know if his child had any medical procedure done, especially one as serious as an abortion. Lets all pray that he governor follows his beliefs on this one. 👍
No one having an abortion should be allowed! that being said Yes, do it. Its the first baby step to hopefully ending abortions. A 17 year old girl can’t have a pain reliever for period cramps without parental consent but some states allow that same teenager to have an abortion without consent.:rolleyes: Pray for you out in Califorina!!! Do the right thing “(name removed by moderator)”👍
I agree…

on a side note, has anyone heard if he followed through on vetoing the gay marriage thing? Last I read was that he planned to do so…
Schwarzenegger says that he supports the will of the people. Since he vetoed Leno’s Bill (the gay marriage bill) b/c it conflicted with Proposition 22, which reads "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”, I’m sure he would ratify Proposition 73 (which requires parental notification for abortion on a minor.)

I encourage everyone to e-mail the governor at and urge the voters of California to vote yes on Prop 73. 👍
Schwarzenegger says that he supports the will of the people. Since he vetoed Leno’s Bill (the gay marriage bill) b/c it conflicted with Proposition 22, which reads "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California”, I’m sure he would ratify Proposition 73 (which requires parental notification for abortion on a minor.)

I encourage everyone to e-mail the governor at and urge the voters of California to vote yes on Prop 73. 👍

We also have to remind people to vote FOR Prop 73 in spite of the misinformation campaign that will be launched by CARAL and Planned Parenthood.

To think that, 15 years ago, I would have been on the other side of this (yes - I’ve gone to Confession and received absolution).

Priests for Life - Fr. Pavone,

We probably won’t be getting any help from Abp. Mahony.

Find out the contact info for the rest of the Bishops in CA - We need as much help as we can get.

I’ll send the Talk Radio hosts, then I’ll post their e-mail addresses and what I send.

In Christ, Michael

Please spread this around. I can tell you from putting “Habemus Papem” on my car after Pope Benedict was elected that people read cars! I got tons of honks and thumbs up (half of which left me confused because I forgot it was on the car.)​

Please pass this idea along to everyone on your e-mail list! We are about to be hit with an onslaught of “No on Prop. 73” commercials. We could become moving billboards by using glass chalk on our car windows to spread the word and urge people to vote yes on Prop. 73. Glass chalk can be purchased at Wal-Mart (usually in the automotove dept.)and stays on during the rain but comes easily when washed. White shows up best on tinted window. This can reach thousands of people very easily and inexpensively. In addition, it can be read far more easily than a bumper sticker. Here are some ideas for slogans:

Protect our daughters! Yes on 73!

Our childred, our responsibility! Yes on 73!

My child, my responsibility! Yes on 73!

No aspirin - no surgery! Yes on 73!

etc., etc., etc.

For more information on Prop. 73 see
Catholic Answers - hey they’re here in California. I would like them to spread the word on their broadcasts, or at least produce commercials that they could air on Catholic radio to bring about awareness to the proposition. 👍
Seems like he is for this Prop.

Sacramento, CA – Pro-abortion Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has told a California newspaper that he would “kill” anyone who took one of his minor daughters for an abortion without telling him.
Just to clarify this, so all the liberals on here won’t overreact to Arnold’s comment… Arnold later stated that he meant he would be very upset as a parent if he wasn’t notified that his daughter would be getting an abortion, he wouldn’t literally “kill” anyone. I know it’s stating the obvious, LOL, but some ppl do overreact to these sort of comments. :whacky:
Catholic Answers - hey they’re here in California. I would like them to spread the word on their broadcasts, or at least produce commercials that they could air on Catholic radio to bring about awareness to the proposition. 👍

It may also be a good idea to contact the following organizations, if they are not already bringing about awareness to the propostition:

California ProLife Council

California Association of Natural Family Planning

American Life League

Culture of Life Family Services

National Right to Life

Pro-Life Action League

Rock for Life

Susan B. Anthony List

Priests for Life
Traditional Ang:

We also have to remind people to vote FOR Prop 73 in spite of the misinformation campaign that will be launched by CARAL and Planned Parenthood.

To think that, 15 years ago, I would have been on the other side of this (yes - I’ve gone to Confession and received absolution).

Priests for Life - Fr. Pavone,

We probably won’t be getting any help from Abp. Mahony.

Find out the contact info for the rest of the Bishops in CA - We need as much help as we can get.

I’ll send the Talk Radio hosts, then I’ll post their e-mail addresses and what I send.

In Christ, Michael
Good idea! 👍 I’ll try to contact as many people as I can. Some good Talk Radio hosts we may want to contact are Tony Snow, Lars Larson, and Laura Ingraham.
Educating the pro-life voter has to be a top priority. I think visuals work best. You also have to address the arguments for abortion on financial grounds (poor women with no insurance, illegal aliens who would lose their jobs if they missed work for health reasons related pregnancy, women and girls from the inner city who have no decent houseing, education, health care for themselves or their children). You’ve got to show that you care about these women and understand that abortion doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You’ve got to stand up and say that women deserve more than abortion - that government policies that hurt (or don’t help the poor) are a major reason women have abortion. These policies are non-verbally encouraging women to have abortions, regardless of how much pro-life rhetoric you hear from these pols. Address the underlying issues - then you will make some real progress.
Not only is this something in California…but just look at the freshman Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama’s response.
Joanne Resendiz, a teacher at Ottawa’s Marquette High School and mother of five, stood up and prefaced her question by saying she disagreed with Obama’s support for gay civil unions and abortion.
Resendiz then said the House passed a measure making it illegal to transport a minor across state lines for the purpose of obtaining an abortion.

“How are you going to vote on this, keeping in mind that 10, 15 years down the line your daughters, God forbid, could be transported across state lines?” Resendiz asked.

Obama declined to answer the question directly, saying he had not read the legislation and was wary of rider clauses, while also acknowledging the need to protect minors.

“The decision generally is one that a woman should make,” he finally replied. The crowd that had hushed at Resendiz’ pointed question applauded Obama’s response** This was taken directly from Sen.Obama’s own website.**
stbruno said:
“The decision generally is one that a woman should make,” he finally replied. The crowd that had hushed at Resendiz’ pointed question applauded Obama’s response

It’s sad that a minor can’t get a tylenol from school or a tattoo without parental notification, yet they can get an abortion without parental notification. 😦
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