Pray to whom?

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I was wondering who the majority of the people here pray **to **God or Jesus?. I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t prayed in quite some time and wouldn’t even know how to begin.
Great question. Pray to either. Both are listening and waiting for you to share your thoughts and you life.
I am not sure I understand…Jesus IS God…maybe your question should have been phrased, “Who do you pray to more, The Father or Jesus (The Son)?” Jesus is God, however is not the Father and the Father is God as well…as well as The Holy Spirit…The 3 are separate, yet they are the same…it is a beautiful Divine Mystery.
I was wondering who the majority of the people here pray **to **God or Jesus?. I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t prayed in quite some time and wouldn’t even know how to begin.
I am not sure I understand…Jesus IS God…maybe your question should have been phrased, “Who do you pray to more, The Father or Jesus (The Son)?” Jesus is God, however is not the Father and the Father is God as well…as well as The Holy Spirit…The 3 are separate, yet they are the same…it is a beautiful Divine Mystery.
That’s true - but I think some people can relate better at certain tims to one member ( not sure if that is the correct word) of the Trinity.

For example, when I need comforting, grace, I seek out the Holy Spirit. When I want to chat with my best friend about a problem, I seek out Jesus. When I need heavy support and forgiveness, I seek out God.
We are free to pray to any of the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, depending on the focus of our prayer. For example, if I’m praying before reading Scripture, I typically pray to the Holy Spirit, as the Scripture was inspired by Him and we should be under His guidance as we meditate upon it:

"Come Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind. Teach me the ways of God that I may recognize and cooperate with His plan. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen."

In general, however, Christians pray to God the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit. For a good example of this, check out most of the prayers that are used during Mass.
Oh yeah…I didn’t mention that in my original statement…but I totally agree. I pray to either the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, depending on what type and subject the prayer may be…In my original post, I was just making it clear that the original poster recognized Jesus as God. With that said, most times, I pray to Jesus…but I spend a great deal of time praying to THe Father and the Holy Spirit as well.

Just remember:
Holy Spirit=God
All Three together=God
That’s true - but I think some people can relate better at certain tims to one member ( not sure if that is the correct word) of the Trinity.

For example, when I need comforting, grace, I seek out the Holy Spirit. When I want to chat with my best friend about a problem, I seek out Jesus. When I need heavy support and forgiveness, I seek out God.
I pray to all three both individually and collectively …
(To The Father …) Blessed are You, Lord God of all creation. Through Your goodness, You blessed me with everything that I have and possess. I thank you for all of the gifts and blessings that You have bestowed upon me now and through out my entire life especially … I then proceed to list all of the things that I have been blessed with – eyes that can see, ears that can hear, two feet that can get me around, etc. … (To The Son …) Dear Jesus, I offer up to You today through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all of my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the mass throughout the world. In reparation for all of my sins, for the reunion of all Christians and in special intention of having Your heavenly assistance in every aspect of my life especially … I then proceed to ask for blessings for my family, help with any difficulties that we might be having at the moment, the wisdom to recognize sin and the strength to resist it, the grace of dying a happy death in friendship with God, etc. … (To The Holy Spirit …) Holy Spirit, please guide my thoughts, words & actions so that they will be pleasing to Almighty God. (To The Holy Trinity …) Dear God, I realize that I am indeed a sinner and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because I offend Thee, my God, You who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin.
I was wondering who the majority of the people here pray **to **God or Jesus?. I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t prayed in quite some time and wouldn’t even know how to begin.
Dear friend

Hello Shamrock. I like your post. Alot of people think they are praying wrong and don’t know how to offer prayers or which person of the Trinity to pray to. But any prayer offered to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father either individually or collectively is a prayer to God, any prayer said to Jesus is known to God the Father and no prayer is answered without the will of the Father.

It can be hard after a period of not praying to begin prayer again. Jesus knows it is hard for you and if you simply state to Him it is hard and you don’t know how to begin and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to pray , you will not be left unaided in your prayers.

Talk to God as you would in your everyday conversation with other people, talk to Him in that same easy manner and in your own words about your life and your needs. It’s the opening and raising of your heart, mind and spirit that God sees in prayer, He will reach out to you and help you dear friend.

I pray to the Holy Spirit alot as my guide and consoler, I pray to Jesus as my brother and very best friend and to God the Father as my loving merciful Father. I pray to God as a whole as well.

May your prayers grow rich and your life and the lives of those you pray for develop and flourish as a result of your prayer life.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

I was wondering who the majority of the people here pray **to **God or Jesus?. I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t prayed in quite some time and wouldn’t even know how to begin.
Shamrock my friend,
(I like that name…consider who used that plant and for what in Ireland…)
Ya haven’t prayed in a long while eh? Long overdue lad…
Where to start? Why the same place you’d start if you met an old friend out somewhere…because you are talkin’ about an old friend. Someone who loves ya more than you can express and will never stop lovin’ ya.

Maybe you’ve been messed up for a while, huh? Remember this story from the NT?

" And the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes towards heaven; but struck his breast, saying: O God, be merciful to me a sinner." (Luke 18:13)

Then just talk to Him because He really does wanna hear what you have to say…and I can promise you that He’s gonna answer you. Sure as life eternal.

Pax vobiscum,
I was wondering who the majority of the people here pray **to **God or Jesus?. I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t prayed in quite some time and wouldn’t even know how to begin.
I always ask God in the name of Jesus, just as Jesus asked us to do.

“No-one comes to the Father but through me”

Shamrock, begin with, " Lord have mercy on me a sinner".
Matthew 19:14ff “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

If you think of the prodigal son, I doubt the father would have cared which ever name he used. The father was just glad he came back. So when you pray do not worry, just pray. Whats more important than what you pray, is the way you pray. If you are docile and willing to listen, it’ll do you good. Be like a child who understands he does not know what the father does and is willing to soak up what he is. He understands too, if we sometimes act out of line, so long as we always try to keep trying to be as we ought.

So my advice is to just give him what you can, even if it’s only like five minutes that’s fine. Although the more time you give, the more time He has to work with you. Just be docile to listening. He will show you the way to better prayer. Do the prayer that you think you need to do. If it’s to ask for forgiveness, do that. Petion, do that. You can do scripture to learn more of God’s ways. You can just simply adore him if you’d like too. It can be a formal prayer or it can just be one you make as you go, but regardless, you must send your heart up to the Lord. The real communication to the Lord usually isn’t in the words.

But for your question who do I pray too. Usually it goes to the Father or Jesus. If I’m reading scripture or going to help teach, it’ll be the Holy Spirit. As for the saints, you must remember that devotion to them always needs to point you back to Jesus. The saints are great to meditate on to help you understand how to live your faith. Often times when I pray at my set aside time, each has receives some time.

Sorry if this covers more than what you asked, but it can be tough just starting prayer again. Also remember, I think we all get this too, you might start thinking this is worthless. Just keep up with it, praying consistantly, I doubt you’ll see the changes, but when you look back you’ll see the differance. I think all of us can attest that it has made us a little less selfish and quite a bit more aware. Plus it helps bring more peace, than what would be around otherwise.
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