Prayer and ADD

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Got any ideas for praying when one can’t concentrate long enough to pray? I have such a difficult time praying without my mind wandering. I have ADD and doing anything that requires focus is a problem. And, yes, I am taking medication for the ADD.
Realize that God already knows what we’re going to ask. So if you can’t concentrate beyond 3 min then so be it. Make good use of that 3 min.

If you so desire to train yourself however, then start by WRITING the prayer in a piece of paper instead of reciting it. When people write it enables them to concentrate more and think more slowly. In fact one of the method for studying is to write on a sheet of paper what you’re studying. I found this method very effective when I was a student.
Realize that God already knows what we’re going to ask. So if you can’t concentrate beyond 3 min then so be it. Make good use of that 3 min.

If you so desire to train yourself however, then start by WRITING the prayer in a piece of paper instead of reciting it. When people write it enables them to concentrate more and think more slowly. In fact one of the method for studying is to write on a sheet of paper what you’re studying. I found this method very effective when I was a student.
Fantastic advice!!!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I place a cricifix on the table in front of me and focus on that while I’m praying. I also keep my prayers short.
By saying “thank God” for the little things happen to you throughout the day. I just learned the word “thank” derived from
“think”, so thinking truly about God is praying…
The Acts of the Apostles describe a scene I love to contemplate because it gives us a clear, abiding example of prayer: ‘They persevered all of them in the apostles’ teaching, in their fellowship in the breaking of bread, and in prayer.’ We are told this time and again in the passage narrating the lives of the first followers of Christ. ‘All these, with one mind, gave themselves up to prayer.’ Again when Peter was imprisoned because he had boldly preached the truth, they decide to pray. ‘There was a continual stream of prayer going up to God from the Church on his behalf.’

Prayer was then, as it is today, the only weapon, the most powerful means, for winning the battles of our interior struggle. ‘Is one of you sad?’ asks St James. ‘Let him pray.’ St Paul sums it up by saying, ‘Pray without ceasing.’ Never get tired of prayingFrom " Friends of God ". By St Josemaria Escriva.
Keep up the struggle. And if you find prayer very diificult, maybe you can offer this suffering up to God. And your suffering will be your prayer. Suffering is a very powerful prayer too.

Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,

Saints are just sinners who keep trying.
I have ADHD. Here is what I have done to help combat the ever wandering mind and fidgeting body during longer prayer times and devotions like the rosary, Holy Hour…every time I notice my mind wandering, I stop my prayer and say, “Jesus, cover me in your blood and bind the spirit of distraction.”

I may have to say this numerous times during a rosary but it does seem to calm me.

I also like to stick to short prayers several times a day.
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in you.”
“Jesus, Mary, I love you, save souls.”
or even more simple, Jesus I love you. Jesus help me.

I can drive to work and repeat this over and over. If (or I should say when) I lose my train of thought, I can pick it right up again and back on to the simple prayer.
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