Prayer and sleeping problems

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I have a few questions to ask. First of all, is it a sin to start praying the rosary while in bed, and not finish it because I fall asleep? And another thing: I have started a routine where I say the prayers I know every night while in bed at night, then I will say the rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy before I fall asleep. I do it so often now. It has gotten to the point where I am not able to fall asleep until I say the rosary or chaplet. I will lay for an hour or more, and I finally get fed up with it and start praying. Anyone else have this happen to them? Why is this happening?
Can’t answer your question about whether it’s a sin or not, but…I used to pray when I laid down for bed, but found myself falling asleep in the middle, losing concentration, etc. So I now pray kneeling next to my bed right before getting in. Seems to work, though I do still lose my concentration, especially when praying the rosary, but it’s better than it was before.
Can’t answer your question about whether it’s a sin or not, but…I used to pray when I laid down for bed, but found myself falling asleep in the middle, losing concentration, etc. So I now pray kneeling next to my bed right before getting in. Seems to work, though I do still lose my concentration, especially when praying the rosary, but it’s better than it was before.
I’ve heard it said somewhere that if you fall asleep during the Rosary… the Angels finish it for you…
Blessings, Annunciata:)
We can pray at anytime and falling asleep in prayer is actually quite wonderful. There is no better way to fall asleep than in the arms of the Lord.

If you fall asleep in the middle of the rosary then you can take up where you left off in the morning. It would be wrong to pray in order to fall asleep, but it is no sin if we fall asleep while we pray. The main thing to remember is that we should pray always.

We can start our day when we awake with a small prayer of thanksgiving and a request to let the Lord’s light shine through us thoughout the day. Then at every transition point in our day we can make a brief prayer for whatever intention comes to mind. By the end of the day you have accumlated quite a bit of prayer time. This is the building of communiction between ourselves and the Lord, and He will always encourage us to pray even more.

Our prayer is always imperfect but God is so generous and loving that He welcomes our feeble efforts. We simply need to rejoice in His love and mercy, and to pray constantly so as to build the relationship with the One we love above all others.
i can’t see any wrong in the last words falling from your lips being words of a prayer… even if it’s to help you fall asleep… would the reverse, say unprayful thought like counting sheep be better… i don’t think so…

in my book your ok… now i don’t reccomend you living your life according to my book… but you get my meaning…

i hope there are times your saying prayers (and i am sure there are) when your praying without being in the bed trying to fall asleep… yep, i’m sure… your ok… go ahead and pray yourself silly when you go to bed… if you died in your sleep, it sure couldn’t be too bad the first words St Peter hears are prayerful words as you step up to him…

I’m glad to see this post and that I’m not the only one that falls asleep in the middle of pray at night…sometimes I’m half asleep b4 my head hits the pillow, but I always remember my prayers:gopray2:
I love what Pax said about “falling asleep in the arms of the Lord”…thanks for making my day:D
I try to remember to pray everymorning when I get up. I have a plaque on my wall next to my door to look at as I am getting ready for school. It says:

O my God,
My only hope,
I have placed
all my trust
in you
and I know
I shall not
be disappointed

It has a picture of Divine Mercy (the one with Jesus and the two rays) on it. I try to pray whenever I can, or whenever I think of it.
You could try and pray earlier. Even early morning. But I wouldn’t be worrying so much about not finishing your prayers before you go to sleep. If you have genuine reasons why you can’t often say your prayers earlier, then just ask our Lord and Lady to accept your rosary as if you had recited it. And they will. Such is the generosity of God and His Holy Mother.
And perhaps try to find a good spiritual director. A soul without a spiritual director is like a leaf falling from the tree. The wind comes and it is blown this way, then that way…

Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,

Saints are just sinners who keep trying.
I’ve heard it said somewhere that if you fall asleep during the Rosary… the Angels finish it for you…
Blessings, Annunciata:)
That is sucha beautiful response–thank you for your perspective!!
Dear Kramerbaby,

Wouldn’t every mother love to have a daughter like you…(only in our dreams, right?😉 )

Anyway, fear not, Little St Therese used to always fall asleep while trying to pray, whether she was in bed or in Chapel. If she struggled, you are more than ok. Doesn’t that kinda warm your heart?

My daughter was having trouble falling asleep one night; she said she had tried everything. Finally, I told her to say the rosary. It helped her fall asleep. I don’t believe it was wrong. I believe it was the peaceful calming effect of the prayers which helped her.

Of course, we don’t encourage prayer only to help her fall asleep, but on nights when she prays the rosary & falls asleep she has peaceful & not restless nights. It’s a blessing for sure.
Dear Kramerbaby,

Wouldn’t every mother love to have a daughter like you…(only in our dreams, right?😉 )
Yeah… that’s about right. I know my parents love me. It was actually mo Mom that suggested I try praying the rosary a few years back when I also had trouble sleeping. Since school has started in August, I have tried to say my rosary or chaplet every night. It does help me to fall asleep, but that is not the only thing. I CAN"T fall asleep without saying them. On Saturday, i layed in bed from ten until midnight. I was dead tired, and yet I could not sleep. So I pulled my rosary out (I was trying to be lazy and not have to say it Bad me!:o ) After about 3 decats I fell asleep. ain’t that weird?
I have a few questions to ask. First of all, is it a sin to start praying the rosary while in bed, and not finish it because I fall asleep? And another thing: I have started a routine where I say the prayers I know every night while in bed at night, then I will say the rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy before I fall asleep. I do it so often now. It has gotten to the point where I am not able to fall asleep until I say the rosary or chaplet. I will lay for an hour or more, and I finally get fed up with it and start praying. Anyone else have this happen to them? Why is this happening?
Dear Kramerbaby

You are simply lovely, purely lovely, just GREAT! Most souls alive on this planet don’t care whether they pray or not and there are you beautiful soul asking these things, simply beautiful of you.

No is the answer, it isn’t a sin if you fall asleep in prayer, the apostles were supposed to remain awake and Christ didn’t admonish them, Christ said, the spirit is willing, just as you would love and are willing to stay wake, but your flesh is weak, just like those great men. No you have not sinned at all. I have fallen asleep before the Blessed sacrament, why? in His peace I slept, so lovely and peaceful was His presence. Don’t even worry about this, there is nothing more grand than to fall asleep with the name of Jesus upon your lips in prayer, even if you do not finish your prayer, Jesus loves your heart for your eyes holding out until they couldn’t any longer in His name.

Many times I have fallen asleep praying and woken in the night still praying, that did make me laugh at myself to wake and be saying the name of Jesus, my prayer did not end in falling alseep it continued in my sleep, just as prayer does not end in the day once said it continues in the day throughout in the presence of God in all we do.

Sometimes when we pray set formal prayers whether they are a devotion or not, we may have things that the Lord knows we need to discuss with Him and this is perhaps why you have said so much of the Rosary etc and then been led into praying what is needed to say to the Lord. Trust the Holy Spirit, pray one decade well of the Rosary at least, then do not worry dear friend. I have read many of your posts and you are on the high road.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Yeah… that’s about right. I know my parents love me. It was actually mo Mom that suggested I try praying the rosary a few years back when I also had trouble sleeping. Since school has started in August, I have tried to say my rosary or chaplet every night. It does help me to fall asleep, but that is not the only thing. I CAN"T fall asleep without saying them. On Saturday, i layed in bed from ten until midnight. I was dead tired, and yet I could not sleep. So I pulled my rosary out (I was trying to be lazy and not have to say it Bad me!:o ) After about 3 decats I fell asleep. ain’t that weird?

I made myself totally misunderstood here. I was trying to say that any mother would absolutely LOVE to have a daughter who was so spiritual at such a young tender age. I will retype my statement: ANY MOTHER WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU AS A DAUGHTER BUT, IN MOST CASES, IT IS ONLY IN OUR DREAMS! This being said, I must emphasize that you also have a beautiful mother and I suppose your little baby brother is doing just fine…and with a big sister like you, he is in good hands.

There is nothing bad about you Kramerbaby…I am sure Our Lady has you wrapped in Her mantle…and as St John Bosco has said…that is a good place to be.

Many, many blessings to you and your family and at your confirmation, may you experience a deep indwelling of the Holy Spirit and now and forever…(have you thought of being a nun?)

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